Elijah - You're in tears

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He finds you in tears.

One year ago today you died and turned into a vampire. All you could think about was blood, even more than your average vampire, you tried fighting it but in the end you ran away from your family because you did not want to hurt them. You have missed them ever since.

Two months after you left your family you literally ran into Elijah, he helped you control your thirst and soon you fell in love with each other. You have been together for 8 months now.


Elijah was sleeping peacefully next you while you try to hold back the tears you have been fighting for a year. Finally you decide you can't do it anymore, you had to let your tears go however you do not want Elijah to know, so you start to creep downstairs.

Half way down you get caught. "Y/N, where are you going?" Elijah asks concerned, he stands at the top of the stairs.

Without turning around you reply, "I'm getting a glass of water."

"Okay." He whispers.

You wait until you hear him get back into the bed before continuing downstairs.

You collapse onto the couch and begin to cry as you hold your stomach. You miss them so much that it feels like physical pain.

Today as you and Elijah walked hand in hand through the lovely park, a family caught your eyes, they were messing around with a football and had a picnic close by, all of them were laughing and smiling.

It reminded you of your family. Two months before you died you had a day out just like this but it was at a beach. Your brother persuaded you all to play football, your grandma sat by the picnic as she watched you all and your Dad made sure everyone was having a great time.

Suddenly you were in Elijah's embrace. He must have heard you crying. You hug him back and tears still fall even though you're trying to stop them. He plays with your hair trying to calm you down, slowly it works and you stop crying. You just stand there with your arms around wrapped around him.

"It was the family at the park today, wasn't it?" He whispers into your ear. "They reminded you of your family."

You nod your head. "I... I miss them so much."

"My beautiful girl, you must not try to hide this from me." He looks deeply into your eyes, "I know what it is like to miss your family. I am always here for you."

"You're right. I'm sorry."

He pulls you to sit on the couch with him, you snuggle up to him.

"Don't apologise." He says, smiling. "Just talk to me."

You sigh, not knowing where to start. "I compelled my next door neighbour to text me with any important information about my family, so I could know if one of them dies for instance, but he texts me about every little detail he can find. So for instance, my brother who loved football hardly plays it anymore because it reminds him of me. And my Dad didn't turn up to work for weeks because he "missed his little girl." I know I left to protect them but I feel like I have destroyed their lives..." you admit. "They're happy but not as happy as they were."

A few tears escape again. "I'm so week." You mutter as you wipe them away.

"Now look at me, you are not week. You are a very strong person who has had to deal with losing her whole family. No one should have to go through that." He reassures.

You smile at his comment. "You are the one who made me strong, you were there for me when no one else was, Elijah. I am so grateful for that. I love you." You say.

He slowly looks up at you with a huge smile on his face. "I love you too."

You both sit there in each others embrace for a while until Elijah speaks up. "You are not a danger to them anymore, Y/N. You have learnt to control your thirst."

You look at him confused, "What are you suggesting?"

"Many vampires live with their human families... I'm not suggesting you live with them, I want you here with me, but maybe it is okay to see them again. We can come up with a story on why you disappeared."

"What if I hurt them?"

"You won't. I give you my word."

Thinking about it is exciting but you're still not convinced that you won't hurt them, even if Elijah has given you his word.

"It will not only make you happy but them happy too." He says. "I believe it could work."

You nod your head. "Okay, let's do it!" You say standing up.

He stands up with you and you embrace him. He gives you a long kiss before lifting you up and carrying you upstairs.

"Let's get some sleep first, my beautiful girl."


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