Elijah - You're in tears #2

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He finds you in tears, part 2. (Make sure to read part 1 first Xx)

After you wake up from a peaceful dream, you remember the conversation you had with Elijah last night. You slowly sit up and try to ignore the excited yet nervous feeling in your stomach. Seeing your family is dangerous but Elijah gave his word that he would not let you hurt them.

Thinking about Elijah, you notice that he is not lying next to you, he must be downstairs.

As if on cue, he walks into the room and leans on the door frame, smiling. "Think of the devil.." You joke.

He grins and walks towards the bed. "You were thinking about me?" He asks while he sits down.

"There's hardly a time when I don't." You reply.

Elijah takes your hand and gently kisses it. "Well then, my beautiful girl, are you sure you would like to see your family today? I believe you are ready, however I do not want to push you into doing something that you do not want to do."

Nodding your head you reply, "Yes, I'm ready. Just don't leave me alone with them, I want you to be able to stop me if I am about to hurt them. Maybe you should compel me to not hurt t-"

Elijah interrupts you my kissing you on the lips. "You have not hurt anyone for 7 months, Y/N. I refuse to compel you to do anything. I promise to stay with you, but you must start believing in yourself."

Suddenly you do not feel as nervous, only excitement remained. "Thank you." You say.


Elijah packs the few things you need into his car while you get ready. After taking 20 minutes to decide what to wear, you settle with a red summers dress with a leather jacket. You also put on your favourite necklace, earrings and shoes.

Slowly, you walk downstairs and find Elijah putting the last couple of things into the car. When he sees you, he walks towards you and pulls you in for a kiss.

"Ready?" He asks.

"Ready." You reply.


In the car you talk and listen to music to calm you down. You also have a blood bag so you will feel less hungry when you meet your family.

You were wondering what their reactions would be when the car suddenly stops. You quickly look at Elijah who is already looking at you. He takes your hand, clearly knowing that you're starting to feel nervous again, it calms you instantly. You squeeze his hand and nod your head. He gets out of the car and opens your door, not a second later.

You stare at your childhood home, many memories flash in front of your eyes and you find yourself walking towards the door. Elijah was close behind you. You take his hand and knock on the door.

Seconds later a boy, listening to some music through headphones, opens the door. It took you a couple of seconds you realise that it was your brother, a year has changed him a lot.

He stares at you and pulls his headphones down around his neck. A couple of tears fall down his face as he whispers your name. He quickly embraces you in a hug as he says "You're alive... I thought you were dead."

You start to cry too. "I'm so sorry. I love you so much." You whisper.

"Son, who is it?" You're mother asks walking towards you. She stops in her tracks as your brother pulls away from the hug, revealing you to her. "Y/N..." she gasps.

Just like your brother she embraces you while crying but she quickly pulls away to shout upstairs. "Darling! It's Y/N... Y/N is h- here."

She embraces you once more and your mouth ends up near her neck.

Blood. Blood. Blood...

You can feel the veins under your eyes. It was Elijah who saves you by taking hold of your free hand. You glance at him and the veins disappear. You whisper a "Thank you" that only Elijah would hear.

"Y/N." Someone else says. You pulls away from your mother to see your Dad standing on the stairs in shock, he has bags under his eyes showing he hasn't had a good sleep for a while.

"Hello Dad." You say.


After hours of crying, laughing and reciting the story which Elijah and you came up with (as to why you disappeared) you are exhausted.

Elijah spent most of the time leaning against the living room wall smiling at you, to which you always smiled back, you feel so happy.

Eventually, your family noticed Elijah and you introduced him. Everyone seemed to like him, but there is no surprise there, even your Dad gave him a manly hug and thanked him.

Once you had told your mother about how you will be living with Elijah, she insisted on the two of you staying in the quest bedroom for a couple of days. Neither of you argued.


Soon enough you collapsed on the guest bedrooms bed in your Pj's. Elijah lies next to you and you snuggle up to him.

"I told you you could do it." He whispers into your ear before kissing you on your head.

"All thanks to you." You say facing towards him. "I couldn't have done it without you."

He smiles and plays with your hair. You lie in silence for a very long time and before you fall asleep you whisper, "Elijah?"


"I love you."

"I love you too, my beautiful girl."


For @kittycXD @zoe_youle @AriannaGrayson007 who requested a part 2.

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