Jeremy - Hunting

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Really unsure about this ♡ It's was requested by wolfiebearforever

After a while of dating Jeremy you found out about the Supernatural world and how he was a vampire hunter. Jeremy kept it from you at first because he thought it would scare you off, however it just bought you closer. In fact Jeremy taught you to be a vampire hunter too.

Soon you were married and travelled the world hunting down bad Vampires. That was until you settled down to have your daughter named Mikayla.

She was beautiful and never stopped laughing. The day she did stop was the worst day of your life. A vampire had hurt her in attempt of revenge, for you killed their vampire lover years ago. Luckily you saved Mikayla in time but the vampire got away, you have been hunting him down ever since.


After a long make out session with Jeremy you left the motel you were staying in. Fortunately you had a lead on where the horrid vampire could be hiding. A small village have recently been missing blood bags and you had a worried call from one of the houses, so naturally you decide to investigate.

"Such a nice village, the people seem really nice here." Jeremy says.

"Which is exactly why we need to kill this monster who hurt Mikayla. Who knows how many others he has hurt." You reply as you knock on the front door of your lead. On the phone she sounded terrified saying that a vampire killed her neighbour in front of her, she said she had an idea on where he would be now.

"Hello," a quiet voice says when the door opens, "you must be the vampire hunter and huntress. Please come in." You only catch a glimpse of her as she is hiding in the shadows of her home.

Wearily, Jeremy and yourself walk in. The home is beautiful but the curtains were closed so no sunlight peaked through and all the lights were turned on. It's a beautiful day, why wouldn't she go outsi-- Quickly you raise a bow and arrow at her. She must be a vampire herself.

"You're a vampire yourself!" You shout while Jeremy also point his crossbow at her.

"Please. I have not hurt anyone. I promise!" The young women cries.

"Jeremy this must be a trap." You worryingly say.

Being the protective husband he is, he shields you from the timid vampire.

"I wasn't lying on this the phone, another vampire killed my neighbour... I just left out the part where he turned me into this creature too." She begins to cry. "I stole blood bags from the hospital but apart from that I haven't left the house."

Jeremy looks at you before putting his crossbow down, hesitantly you put your arrows down too. Although you knew you would have to kill her eventually, but you didn't tell Jeremy that was your plan.

You learn that the newbie vampire is called Laura. Honestly after listening to her long story she seemed sweet, she even offered to cook you both food. It's a shame she has to die. She told you all her information, including the house where she believes the horrid vampire lives.

"Thank you so much for all the information." Jeremy smiles shaking Laura's hand before exiting the house.

Before following Jeremy you say "Yes, thank you." And stab her in the heart.

"Y/N, what the hell!?" Jeremy yells. "Did she try to attack you?"

"No. But she was a vampire." You reply.

"A good one! We don't kill the good ones." Jer says shocked.

Sighing you head to the car. "How do you know she was good? How do you know she didn't lying and she was in fact helping this wicked vampire that hurt Mikayla?"

"She gave us reliable information! She even gave us a tin of chocolates."

"She was a vampire and that is that. I'm not taking chances anymore. Mikayla could have died! From now on I am killing them all." You say with no emotion, trying to stay strong.

"What about your best friends Caroline, Stefan and Damon? Are you going to kill them too?!"

"No... of course not..." You whisper.

"Exactly." Jeremy states as he pulls you into a hug.

"I just don't know what I would do if Mikayla died." You burst out crying.

"I know baby, I know." Jeremy comforts you. "Now let's go and kill this asshole so we can go home to our daughter."

That is exactly what you did. After returning home however, because you remembered (thanks to Jeremy) that not all Vampires were bad. You felt suddenly guilty about killing Laura, so you gave her a funeral.

No more Vampires went after you and you continued your lives happily.

No more Vampires went after you and you continued your lives happily

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