♢ How You Wake Him Up

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You had woke up, got a shower, dried your hair, chose your outfit, dressed into your outfit, put on your make up, had breakfast, washed the dishes, brushed your teeth and Damon was still in bed.

"Lazy Ass." You mutter.

Quickly, you got a glass of water, put it on his bedside table and straddled him. You pick up the glass and hover it over his head.

"Right, if you don't wake up in 5 seconds, then your fate is entirely your fault." You say.

"5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Oh well!" You smirk.

You begin to tilt the glass of water over his head, however before even a drop falls, Damon grabs your wrist and with his vampire speed he switches your places, he was now straddling you and had a glass of water in his hands.

His smirk fills his face and he stares deeply into your eyes. "Did anyone ever tell you that it is a bad idea to wake up a sleeping vampire?" He asks.

"Nope, but I guess I will know for next time." You sarcastically say after sticking out your tongue.

He chuckles for a while but soon his grin turns into a mischievous one. He looks at the glass and then you.

"No Damo-" You're too late, he has poured the water all over you.

You glare at him before pulling him into a kiss so he gets soaked too.


It's been half an hour since you woke up, you left Stefan to sleep but now you're getting bored.

You stare at his beautiful face, he looks so peaceful which causes you to feel guilty about what your about to do.

You lean down and kiss him on the lips, hoping that it will wake him up but it doesn't. You frown.

"Hmm, I wonder if he is ticklish." You think out loud. You reach for his neck but suddenly you are the one that's being tickled.

You try and squirm out of Stefan's arms but he has a tight grip. "I'm not ticklish but I know you are." He smirks.


Unlike Klaus, you are an early bird. So instead of waking him up you decide to look around his mansion. You stumble across his art work, he really is talented. You see some paint that had been left out and you get a funny idea.

You took the paint back to his room and put it on the table. Next, you check that he is still fast asleep before putting some colourful paint onto his paintbrush. Unfortunately you were terrible at seeking up on people as you keep giggling, you just hope that he is in a deep sleep.

Eventually you are able to paint your name on his head. However you had only done two letters when he grabs your wrist.

"What exactly are you doing, Love?" He asks in his sexy British accent.

You try to hide your guilty smile and shrug. Unfortunately he sees the paintbrush in your hand. He gains a mischievous expression on his face.

Uh oh.. You think.

The next thing you know he has taken the paint brush, pulled you onto the bed next to him and is hovering over you with a smirk etched upon his face. He puts lines on your cheeks almost like whiskers as you try and struggle against his tight hold.

He let's you go and you both lie there laughing. Almost like you read each others minds, you both look at the paints left on the table and both dart for them at the same time.

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