Chapter 1

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Running the gloss over my lips I couldn’t help but feel excited , it had been a few weeks since me and the girls had went out together with our ever expanding work commitments there just wasn’t enough time. Getting out of the car was a trick I had mastered over the years , I don’t have enough fingers for the amount of times people have opened there papers in the morning and been greeted by a picture of my lovely knickers. So as I tucked my skirt between my legs and headed into the well known club in London’s Soho Street I was greeting by a sexy looking woman in the V.I.P section.

" Kimberley !! , You look Stunning " I said before leaning over and giving her a quick peck on the lips and a hug , We were used to this kind of closeness from the word go we were inseparable.

  "Aww thanks hun , You don’t look so scabby yourself " Returning the kiss and hug with a wink and a pat on the arse.

As usual Nadine was next to arrive , Then Nicola and finally half an hour Harding strolled in. Sitting at our booth I could see Sarah and Nicola eyeing up the contents of the bar. 

" You better get going then " I shouted over the loud music with a cheeky smile.

And with that Sarah and Nicola jumped up and made their way to the bar. After a few vodkas I could feel myself getting tipsy , But still I was happy to carry on drinking and let my hair down a bit. Turning my head round to see if everyone was ok I caught myself looking at Kimberley ....... Good she’s beautiful.

" Kimberley you really do look stunning tonight " I said before placing my hand on her knee and giving it a little squeeze.

" So do you " she replied before slipping her hand over mine and gently rubbing it with her thumb.

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