Chapter 2

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" WOOP WOOP !! "

" Shhhhhh " I gigged to Sarah.

Stumbling through my front door I was still holding onto Kimberley’s hand.

" Aww get the drinks in Chezza " Slurred Nicola.

Walking into the kitchen I couldn’t help but wonder why I was having these feeling for Kimberley , Yes I had always thought she was Stunning and we had always been touchy feely with each other But I could feel my love changing for her. She had been there for me when Ashley’s infidelity was revealed , She was my shoulder to cry on and to be honest she was my rock ,  Although me and Ashley had worked through our problems and I forgave him I couldn’t help but feel an emptiness an emptiness I longed to fill.

" Cheryl babe you ok ? " I heard a husky Bradford accent ask.

" Ooh . . . Yeh Yeh am fine "  I stammered.

" OkDokey let me help you with them " And with that Kimberley picked up the tray of drinks and staggered into the living room. Quickly picking up the bottle of vodka for Sarah I followed behind her like a lost puppy.

" Truth Or Dare !! Lets play Truth Or Dare !! " Shouted Sarah giving me a fright that I spilt my drink.

" F*cking Hell Sarah , A Shat Myself there ! "

" Aww Sorry Chezza " She laughed.

" Why do you love playing Truth Or Dare so Much Sarah ? " Asked a very drunk Nicola.

" Coz I want a kiss from you " Sarah winked before stinking her tongue out to indicate she was joking.

" Aww Shut up dont lie you know you want a snog from me " Replied Nicola with a wink.

" Right Chez Truth Or Dare ? " 

" Erm . . . . Aww what the hell Dare ? "

" Ok then I dare you to kiss all of us blindfolded , Then tell us who was the best 1 , 2 , 3 or 4 ok ? " Asked Sarah.

" Aww Sarah Might of known " Nadine purred before nudging her.

As they applied the blindfold over my eyes I could feel my heart beating faster and faster. . . . I wonder if Kimberley is as nervous as this , Cheryl snap out of it  , Its only a kiss it does not mean anything !!!!

" Right Chez here is contestant number 1 " Sarah laughed before nudging Nicola.

Not knowing who I was kissing  or being able to see for that matter heightened my senses and as I felt Number 1’s lips on mine I knew straight away they weren’t Kimberley's , She had big full lips these lips where small but yet very soft.

Coming to the last kiss I Could tell it was going to be Kimberley.

" You ready for the last one Chez " Asked Sarah nodding to Kimberley.

" Yehh " I smiled excitedly.

I was a little startled when I heard her whisper in my ear. . . . 

" This is going to be the best kiss you have ever had babe "

And before I knew it a felt her plump , full lips gently brush my own. As the kiss grew more passionate I felt her tongue lightly push against my lips as if begging for entrance , Opening slightly I heard a small moan exscape my lips as I felt her warm soft tongue message mine. Slowly lifting my arms and raping them around her neck I pulled her closer not wanting the kiss to ever end. Kissing her with so much passion I thought I was going to burst , I slowly sucked on her bottom lip causing her to moan a little before lifting he hands and placing them on my hips. Slowly but reluctantly finishing the kiss I opened my eyes a little and look deeply into hers , And all I could see was pure desire and lust. Giving her one last peck on the lips before unwinding my arms from around her neck I smiled at her. 

" F*ck sake that was hot ! " Gasped Nicola.

" How did we not get any tongue " Asked Sarah pouting before bursting into a fit of laughter.

" Take it number 4 was the best then " Chuckled Nadine with a wink.

Blushing a little I turned back round to face Kimberley who was smiling at me with the same look of lust and desire in her eyes.

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