Chapter 12

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Me and the rest of the girls had a two week break before we had to get back to work and premote your new single. It was the day after we had the meeting and Ashley was due back. Kimberley had text a few times asking if I wanted to come over but I wasn't sure if I wanted to because I knew it would lead to sex and believe me the sex was amazing but I was still confused and I knew it would get even more compicated if we had sex again. All I wanted to do was figure out in my head what I really wanted.

" Hey babe !" I heard a voice call from the hall.

Just then Ashley came into the kitchen where I was sitting and gave me a kiss. Despite what I told Kimberley I knew deep down I was still in love with him even though I knew my feelings for her where much , much stronger. Ashley had tried so hard to make things up with me after her cheated , he cooked me romantic meals and treated me like a princess. I just couldn't do this to him not after he had tried so hard. So with that I knew what I had to do. The next day Kim text again asking if I wanted to come over as Justin was going out. This time I didn't decline and told her I would be over after tea.

" Babe buzz us in its freezing me fooking tits off out here." I said into Kims intercom.

She just giggled before pressing the buzzer. As Kimberley opened her door I could see she was dressed in her pjays and yet she still looked stunning. I was soon pulled out my thoughts when I felt her pull me through the door and up against the wall , Forcefully pushing our lips together.

" Kimberley stop !" I said before pushing her gently off me.

" We need to talk."

" Aww ok , What about ?" she asked confused.

" Well . . . about this , me and you."

" Erm . . Ok." She said before making her way over to the couch I followed behind her.

By this time tears where streaming down my face and I was shaking uncontrollably.

" Babe don't cry its ok." She said with a concerned look on her face before pulling me into a hug.

" Kimberley you need to believe me when I tell you I love you so much and I want to be with you I really do !"

Thats when I saw the look of dread in her eyes , She knew what was coming. Just then a tear ran down her cheek.

" What are you saying Cheryl ?"

" I am so so so sorry I really am." I replied not making any eye contact with her.

Just then she let go of me and took a step back. I could see the tears also beginning to stream down her face.

" Cheryl please don't do this I love you !"

" I have to I can't do this to Ashley !"

" Look what he done to you Cheryl !" She said this time her voice was raised.

" Yeh ano Kimberley but am just as bad now , I am the one thats cheating on him now and its not just been I one night stand has it , Its not just meaning less sex is it ?" I shouted back this time I fixed my eyes onto her own.

" I am sorry I have to go." As soon as I was finished my sentence my made my way to the door.

" Cheryl wait don't go we can talk about this , Sort everything out !" By now her emotions were so heavy I could hardly make out what she was saying.

" I can't I am sorry , Kim we are over this can't go on !" I said in between my sobs.

Turning around before I opened the door I could see her lying on her stone coloured carpet tears running down her face and falling onto the floor. Not being able to take the sight any longer I quickly turned around and made my way out the flat tears still running down my own face.


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