Chapter 6

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Sleepily opening my eyes I looked at Kimberley who was still fast asleep in my arms. Trying my hardest not to wake her I slowly crept of the side of the bed , rapped my housecoat around my naked body and headed downstairs for a cup of coffee. Feeling quite hungry aswell I grabbed a bagel from the cupboard and sat down at the kitchen table.

“ You going to cream that bagel?” I heard a voice say.

Slightly confused I turned to face Sarah who was standing at the kitchen doorway.

“ What?” I asked confused.

“ I said are you going to cream that bagel?” This time a smirk appearing on her face.

“ Erm. . . Well I don’t think people put cream on bagels , They tend to use cheese.” I replied still very confused.

Sitting down across from me at the table I could still see the smirk plastered across her face.

“ Aww I feel like sh!t !” Sarah said breaking the uncomfortable silence.

“ Aww hun do you want a coffee?”

“ No maybe just a glass of water.”

Getting up and collecting a glass before walking over to the fridge I poured the water from the bottle into the glass and stared making my way back over to the table.

“ F*CK !” 

Slipping on a dog toy I hit the deck like a sack of potatoes.

“ sh!t Cheryl are you ok?” Sarah said dashing over to me.

“ Yeh Yeh am fine am all wet tho!”

“ Aww I bet you were."  Sarah said winking.

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