Chapter 16

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When I arrived home I was upset more that anything to find that Ashley had already gone 

" Probs away to his f*ckin mates !" I thought.

Once I had went for a shower and got ready I picked my key's back up and headed for my car. Well Kimberley's getting it on the table early. I didn't usually knock on Kimberley's door when I knew Justin wasn't there so I just went in.


My eye's were feeling heavy and I was finding it hard to open them. Eventually after a few minutes I managed to flutter them just enough so they where half shut but I could see a little. The room was all white and there was a woman sitting at the edge of my bed holding my hand , She looked to be asleep so once my eyes were open fully I gave her hand a little squeeze.

" OMG Cheryl !" She shouted before getting of her seat and throwing her arms around me. I didn't break off the hug , I could tell she was really upset so I didn't want to make it worse by telling her that a wasn't sure who she really was.

" Cheryl I am going to get the doctor's and to phone your family , You be ok ?"

I simply nodded.

After 10 or so minutes a few doctor's came in.

" Hello Mrs Cole , Nice to see you have joined us again." He chuckled.

" Mrs Cole , My names Tweedy and I am not married " I replied confused.

" Ok , Miss Tweedy Do you remember anything in your life ?" He asked quizzingly.

After thinking for a while , All I could remember was my name was Cheryl , I lived in Newcastle , I had 3 brother's Garry , Andrew and Joseph and a sister Gillian.

" Ok Miss Tweedy , Your family is here now would you like to see them ? "

" Yes of course " I replied.

Just then me mam burst in the room in tears , shortly followed by my dad and all my brothers and sisters. After alot of hugs and tears I finally asked my mum . . . .

" Mum , Who was that woman on the edge of my bed when I woke up ?"

" We will talk about later pet." She replied.

" No ! , I want to know the now , Why can't I remember her ?"

She gave me a sympathetic look.

" Look pet you are having some memory lose so you can't remember alot the now."

" Well will you please tell me about my life ?"

" Why don't I go and get Kimberley and she will tell you ?" She smiled

" OK !"

The door opened and Kimberley walked back in holding me mams hand , She looked terriable her eyes where blood shocked from crying. She looked over at me and tried to smile but I could tell she had forced it.

" Right come on , lets give the girls time to talk." Me mam said before ushering everyone out the door.

" Sit down " I smiled to her.

She walked over to the chair infront of me and sat down , I could see she was considering taking my hand or not so I reached out and saved her the hassel. My gesture obviously put her at ease as she looked up into my eyes and this time she flashed me her best smile.

" Sooo . . . Will you tell me about my life , Well the bits I can't remember ?"

" Yes of course I will." 

I could tell she was devestated that she had to descripe my life to me. And I could tell she was devestated that I couldn't remember her.

" Well I am Kimberley I was Your best friend , You had another 3 close friends thats will be visting you later."

" Really . .  what was my job ?"

" You might not believe me but you are one of the most famous and loved celebrities in the country , And we are best friends because we are in a girl band together along with the other 3 girls."

By this time my chin was touching the floor.

" Are you being serious ? "

" Yep !" She laughed at my disbelief.

" How long have I been in this Coma then ?"

" 2 months."

" F*ck Sak so people still know who I am ?"

" Course they do , People were crying outside when they heard , They where waiting for you to wake up but after A few weeks they stopped camping and instead they just came back everyday , See ?"

She helped me over to the window , There was hundreds and I mean hundreds of people outside. As soon as they saw me they started cheering . . 

" Cheryl , Cheryl , Cheryl ! "

After giving them a wave I went back and sat on my bed.

" I am really sorry you know !" I smiled sympathetically at her.

" What for babe ?"

" For not remembering you." I smile before bursting into tears.

" Hey Hey , Stop crying it's ok , It's not your fault." She rushed over and wrapped her arms around me.

10 minutes had passed and we just sat holding each other. Already I could feel an overpowering wave of love for this woman , The woman I had only known for an hour.

" You where the bestest friend in the whole world you know !" She said eventually breaking the silence.

" Well I am sure I can be that again for you." I replied before cuddling back into her.

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