Chapter 3

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Putting the lid down and sitting on the toilet I couldn’t help but smile , Kimberley was right that was the best kiss I had ever had. God she was such a good kisser. I was soon snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a knock at the bathroom door.

" Cheryl hunny , You in here " I heard Kimberley say.

" Erm yeh babes come in " I replied sounding nervous.

" what’s wrong hun , Are you ok ? "

" Kimberley I just can’t believe what happened through there , I mean I loved it in fact there something I want to tell you " ........

But before I could finish my sentence Kimberley stepped forward and placed her soft lips once again on mine. Resting her hands on my arse I could feel myself getting excited. Not wanting Kimberley to feel left out I placed both my hands on either side of her face and deepend the kiss. Hearing Kimberley moan made me even wetter , I can believe I am so aroused with just a kiss. Breaking the kiss off I looked straight into her eyes somehow asking for reassurance that this was what she really wanted , As if she was reading my mind Kimberley smile and very gently nodded. All I wanted to do was to hold her , Talking her into my arms I slowly started kissing her neck , Hearing her moan once more made me feel tingles shoot up my spine. Obviously enjoying my attention Kimberley let her head fall backwards as I started to lick and suck my way back up her neck stopping at her chin I kissed it gently before sucking on her lower lip. Letting her hands fall from my arse she slowly made her way down my body before resting them at the bottom of my tight fitting dress. Lifting my arms up I let her peel of my dress to reveal my black lacy underwear.

"  Wow ano I have seen you naked before , But you look stunning ! "

" Am not quite naked yet " I winked.

" Aww you soon will be " She replied before kissing my nose lovely and pulling me into her arms.

I had never had sex with a woman before and already I knew it would be different. With Ashley it was just about the Sex but with Kimberley she was taken her time , She was not rushing she was not ripping my clothes and knickers of. It was much more passionate and intimate. Running my hand up her toned belly I let them rest on her breasts softly messaging them I heard her whimper. . . 

" Please Cheryl I am so wet ."

Taking her words as an indicator I slowly ran my hands under her dress and over her head , Throwing it on the floor. As I unclipped her bra I felt her hands rest on my hips giving them a little pinch before running them down to sit on my arse once more.

" I am beginning to think You have an arse fetish Miss Kimberley Walsh "

" HAHA No No Its just your arse I love , In fact I love everything about you Cheryl , You have the most beautiful eyes I have even seen. "

As a tear ran down my cheek I could see the concern in her face.

" No don’t cry Cheryl I didn’t mean to upset you."

" Its just . . . Guys are never like this on the lead up to sex , And well you just make me feel so good Kimberley."

" Well you make me feel so f*cking good to Cheryl , but I know how you can make me feel even better." 

Looking up I could see the twinkle in her lovely blue eyes.

" Well I think I could do that for you babes." I said with a wink.

At that moment I didn’t care about Ashley , I had to be honest with myself it wasn’t working and we both new it.

" Cheryl , Kimberley What are you doing in there am bursting for a F*uckin p!ss ! " Shouted Sarah.

Scrambling me and Kimberly quickly threw our dresses back on and opened the door.

" We were just talking Sarah , Lost track of time "

" Sarah there are about 6 bathrooms in this house Fur F*ck Sake " I added sounding a bit to aggressive.

" Yeh well I couldn't walk any further before I p!ssed all over your floor , Now Move ! " Pushing us out of the way she ran over to the toliet pulled down her knickers and sat on the tolietpan before me and Kimberley even had a change to leave.

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