Chapter 14

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After phoning Ashley and telling him I was going to spent the night at Kimberley's I made my way back from the toilet and into the living room where she was waiting.

" We really do need to talk about what we are going to do." I said before sitting down beside her on the sofa.

" Yeh ano but Cheryl I can't share you with him forever , I need to know that you will be mine and mine only."

Redirecting her eyes she let them gaze down to her hands.

" What's wrong ?"

" What about the sex Cheryl ?" 

" Well the sex you give me is amazing ." I laughed .

" No ! . . . I mean with him , I can't handle it if I know your still having sex with him."

" Kimberley look at me." I said before cupping my hands on her cheeks and making her meet my gaze.

" I swear down to you , I will no have sex with him , I promise !" 

" Ok I trust you then." She smiled before leaning forward and placing her lips on mine.

As she kissed me I knew this is what love felt like , This is what I wanted for the rest of my life. Pulling her closer I wrapped my arms around her neck and deepend the kiss.

" Mmmm " She moaned into my mouth.

I ran my tongue along the roof of her mouth , knowing it gave her tingles. She let her hands fall to my waist.

" Cheryl ?" She said before pulling away.

" Yes ?"

" Are you sure this is what you really want ? , Because if it's not please stop , I couldn't handle it if you where just doing this to make me feel better. I want this to be real please don't break my heart !"

" Babe I wont break your heart I love you to much to do that to you." 

And with that she pushed me back against the sofa and lay her beautiful body on top of me.

" Make up sex is always the best." She whispered in my ear before bitting it softy.

Tingles where shooting up my spine as I felt her hands roam by body. I placed my hands on her arse and gently squeezed it.

" Still the arse fetish ehh ?" She giggled.

" How where else do you want them." I winked.

" Ooh that's a toughy." She winked back before swooping down and capturing my lips once more.

" I have a feeling where there needed." I managed in between kisses.

Hands still placed on her arse I grabbed hold of her pjay bottoms and pulled them down.

" Still no knickers on then ?" I laughed.

" Who wears knickers to bed , You weirdo !" 

After making a face at her I cupped her pussy with my hands , Already I could feel her wetness. Looking up I checked to see if she was ok with what I was doing. Searching her eyes she gave me a little smile and the faintest nod. Slipping my fingers between her folds I saw her shut her eyes before letting out a few small moans. Still rubbing her clit . . . 

" Babe open your eyes for me , I want you to see how much I love making you feel so good.

Just then her eyes fluttered open. As she looked deep into my own eyes I could see the sheer love and lust burning. As I slid two fingers into her I could see she was finding it difficult to keep them open.

" It's ok babe you can shut them." I said softly.

" I love you Cheryl." She replied before kissing me on the lips and shutting her eyes.

" I love you too !"

Feeling Kimberley orgasm was the best feeling in the world to me. I had never felt so much satistfaction in making someone else feel so good during sex. As she reached her peek her juices spilled all over my hand. Lifting it to my lips I slowly sucked and licked it off , Making sure she was watching in the process.

" God you where right make up sex is the best , You have never cummed that hard before , Infact I don't think anyone in history had cummed that hard." I joked.

" Shut up !" She replied before digging her fingerd into my sides.

" Well I am going to make you beat my record." She winked before moving her head down to my thighs.

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