Chapter 20

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The next day Kimberley came with me to get a check-up. The doctor said my memory would come back to me but it may take some time I just needed to be around things that were fimiliar to be before my accident.

" We will need to keep on doing what we doing last night to help me remember !" I whispered into her ear causing her to smile.

 I still hadnt asked Kimberley what had happened to me because I still sensed she was emotional about it , I just figured I would remember in my own time.

Sitting in the car , We were stuck in traffic.

* Flashback *

We were both sitting in Kims car , We were stuck in traffic. I had my hand down Kimberley's jeans fingering her.

* End Of Flashback *

I turned my head around so I was facing her shock wrote all over my face.

" What is it , Are you ok ?"

My shock turned into a cheeky grin.

" Yeh I just remembered somthing."

" Aww what did you remember ?" She asked excitedly.

" I could show you better than I could tell you." I laughed before winking.

" Ok ?" She looked puzzled.

Reaching over I placed my hand on her thigh. Looking up I gave her my questioning eye.

" Aww yeh I know what you have remembered , That was all your idea by the way."

" I really was a kinky b*tch." I laughed.

" Nah you just liked to make me feel good , Thats why I love you so much." She turned around and smiled at me.

" I love you to." I went to lean over and kiss her.

" Cheryl you cant , Someone might see."

" Oooh yeh sorry , But they wont see this will they." I rubbed my hand up and down on her thigh.

Kimberley had a skirt on this time instead of Jeans , So I had easy access. Slipping my hand under I massaged the skin between her thighs. She let out a loud moan before she slipped her hand under aswell and directed my it to where she wanted to be touched.

" Kimberley Jane Walsh !"

" Where are your knickers ?"

" Haha ! , You said that the first time aswell."

Winking I started to stroke her softly. Pulling my hand off I grabbed her hand which was placed over mine and I made her pleasure herself. 

" That turns me on so much."

" Well maybe later I will give you a private show." She winked making me even more aroused.

" You wont believe how wet I am !"

As she continued to rub her clit I pushed two fingers inside of her. As I felt her rubbing harder I figured she was close so I started to go faster and deeper.

" F*ck Cheryl !" She moaned.

Flinging her head back her breathing became more raged then I felt her hit her peek.

" Awww , Your so f*cking good." She moaned.

" I honestly hope no one notices your expressions , Its so obvious your w*nking yourself." I laughed.

" No am just helping you." She laughed back once her breath returned.

She took hold of my hand that was still resting on her thigh under her skirt and rubbed it with her thumb.

" Aww just in time." She laughed as the traffic started to move again.

Removing her hand from under her dress she placed it on the wheel.

" You said that the last time didnt you ?" I asked.

" Yeh , You were just in time then aswell." She smiled.

Still with my hand on her thigh I smile to myself before returning my gaze out the window.

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