Chapter 7

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Knowing we had a meeting that day with Hilary I made my way upstairs to wake the rest of the girls. 

“ Nicola babe it’s time to get up” I said softy while gently stroking her cheek.

Moaning a little she gently opened one eye and then the other before giving me a smile.

“ Ok I will be up in 5 minutes “ She replied still smiling.

After giving her a small kiss I got up and headed to the room where Nadine slept. Walking in to the room I was surprised to find Nadine up and ready with her clothes on that she had worn last night.

“ Hey babe “ She said looking up at me.

“ Hey , You want a cuppa or anything ?”

“ Nah I am just going to head off the now and get a shower and that.”

“ Ok hun “ I said before walking over and giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

Pushing the door open and seeing Kimberley still fast asleep , I couldn’t help but smile she was so cute when she slept. Sitting on the bed beside her I leaned my head down and planted a soft kiss on her lips.

“ Mmm. . . That was a nice way to be woken.” She mumbled before opening her eyes.

Leaning forward again I planted another kiss on her lips but this time with more passion. Sliding her tongue along my lips I granted it entrance and slowly I stared to massage it with my own. Placing my hands on both her cheeks I slowly pulled away reluctantly.

“ Time to get up babe , Dont want to be late do we.”

“ Aww your such a tease.” She pouted with a fake expression of shock on her face.

Giving her another peck on the lips I got up and made my way downstairs. Walking into the living room I saw Sarah sitting laughing her head off.

“ Watch you watching?”

“ Aww just the Eastenders I missed last night I recorded it on your sky plus last night , Hope you don’t mind ?”

“ Course not babe.”

“ That Heather is just so funny , Looking through some random strangers bin that she thinks is George Michael’s.”

“ Haha ! , Yeh ano I love her.”

“ Well Can I just watch the rest of this then I will set off to go and get changed.”

“ Sure babe , Well its 9 the now and the meeting starts at 1 so I am sure that will be fine.”

Hearing footsteps coming down the stairs , shoes getting put on then the door being opened.

“ Cheryl I am off now see you at the meeting.” Nicola shouted.

“ Ok bye babe.”

“ See you later , Bye Sarah.”

“ Bye babes.” Sarah shouted before turning back round to face the tele again.

After an hour Sarah eventually left to go home which left just me and Kimberley.

“ Hun go and get your clothes you are wearing for the meeting.” I heard Kimberley say before I put down my duster and turned to face her.

“ Why?” I asked confused.

“ Because I have the house to myself and I want to take advantage of that.” Replied Kimberley before winking.

“ OooOoOo . . . I love it when your all spontaneous and controlling it’s such a turn on.” 

Sitting in Kimberley’s car , I turned and looked at her God she was so hot. Turning around I scanned my surrounding looking for any paps , After I was satisfied I placed my hand on Kimberley’s thigh.

“ Do you want me to crash?” Kimberley giggled.

“ Well if we did I would die a very happy woman.” I laughed back before inching my hand closer to her special area.

“ Cheryl what about the paps?”

“ I checked there aren’t any and plus you have tinted windows.” I laughed..

“ Anyway I just can’t get enough of you , Babe unbutton them trousers for me.” I said before giving her a wink.

Stopping in the busy London traffic , she reached down and undone the button on her jeans. Turning round to face me she gave me the most adorable look before putting her hand over mine and leading it up to the opening at the top of her jeans. Slipping my hand inside I noticed she wasn’t wearing any underwear. Looking up and into her eyes she gave me a little look as if to say she knew exactly what I was thinking. Cupping my hand over her warm pussy I slowly started to massage her. Seeing the intensity in her eyes I knew she wanted more so I decided to give her the relief I knew she so desperately needed and slipped two of my fingers in between her folds and slowly started to rub her throbbing clit.

“ Aww Cheryl I can’t believe we are doing this.” She struggled in between breaths.

Her obvious arousal only encouraged me more as I slipped both fingers inside her still running her clit with my thumb.

“ Babes!” She moaned before flinging her head  back and resting it on her headrest.

“ You enjoying it hun?”

“ Yes please don't . . .” Stopping her from finishing her sentence I picked up speed.

After a moment I felt her body tense up as she hut her climax followed by her juices on my hand as she cummed.

“ I love you so much Cheryl.” She turned round to face me placing her hand over mine as I pulled it out her trousers.

“ I love you to Kimberley and I don’t just mean in a friend way I really am in love with you.” I smiled back at her before giving her hand a little squeeze.

“ Good timing.” I chuckled as the traffic started to move again.

“ Awk and I wanted to repay you aswell , You will just have to wait until we get back to mine.” She said with a hint of disappointment and excitement in her voice at the same time.

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