Chapter 21

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After an eventful night with Kimberley I drifted of to sleep in her arms.

Walking through Kimberley's door I was stopped in my tracks by the sight infront of me , Turning around I ran back out. Tears where streaming down my face blinding me. Stumbling at the top of the stairs I fell.

Shooting up I sat gasping for air.

" Cheryl whats the matter ?" Kimberley shot up aswell and flung her arm around me.

Turning around I stared into her eyes.

" You done this to me !" I sobbed.

Obviously knowing that I had just had a flashback I could see her paniking.

" Cheryl I can explain !"

" You lied to me kimberley , And yes I do remember everything so dont bother lieing again ! " I spat.

" But Cheryl , Listen to me It wasnt what it looked like !"

By this time I had thrown my clothes on and was already at the bedroom door.

" Cheryl please stay , Dont go ! "

" I can't stay knowing what you have done !"

She got up and flung her pjays back on before chasing after me.

" Kimberley , I never asked you what happened to me that day because I thought it was to much for you to talk about ! , But now I know it was because you where hiding something , And you know what tops it all off you made me think I was in love with you even though you knew If I had actually remembered it would have been over between us !"

" Please Cheryl listen to me !" She begged while taking hold of my hand which I shook off.

" No get away from me !"

I grabbed my car keys and ran out of the door in tears leaving her behind lying there on the carpet bawling her eyes out , But I didnt care she deserved it.

I had remebered everything about my life now every boyfriend every time me and the girls went on tour and every special bond I had with each girl. Keeping that in mind I made my way to Nicola's house she had always been there for me , Talking through my problems with me when Kimberley wasn't around.

" Ooh god Cheryl , Whats wrong ?" She asked as soon as she opened the door and saw me.

" I remembered !" I simply said.

" Remembered what ?" She asked while wrapping her arms around me a pulling me close.

" Remembered what happened to me !"

After sobbing into Nicola's shoulder for a while she pulled me inside and shut the door. Walking over to the sofa we both lay down in each others arms.

" I think you should go and talk to Kimberley." She said wiping a stray hair away from my eyes.

" Am not ready , And to be honest I dont want to see her ever again !"

" Cheryl I know what happened , It isn't what you think."

" I know what I saw Nicola , And I saw her and Justin Kissing !"

" Cheryl , She did break up with him she didnt lie to you."

" Then why was she kissing him ?"

" No he kissed her , He had returned to collect some of his things. Kimberley said he looked awful and she felt sorry for him. When he had collected what he needed she told him she was sorry about everything and gave him a hug but he took it the wrong way and kissed her , It was just unlucky timing when you walked in. She broke off the kiss just in time to see you running out the door , She ran after you but when she got to the top of the stairs she saw you fall and tumble down them. Cheryl she was in a right mess when you were in hospital she blamed herself for what happened , She wouldn't even leave your bedside. She loves you Cheryl and you have to believe that ! "

I looked up at her.

" Cheryl just talk to her."

" God ! , I am such a b!tch I told her it was her fault !"

" You didnt know any better hun , Just go now , Go and make things better between the two of you !"

" Right , Well I suppose I should get going." I said unwrapping my arms from around her neck and standing up.

" Are you sure you will be ok ?"

" Yeh I will be fine babe , Thank you ! "

Leaning down I placed a small kiss on her lips.

" Its , Ok thats what I am here for babe ."

She walked me to the door and gave me one last hug.

" Cheryl do the right thing , Kimberley loves you and you no deep down that this is not her fault just hear what she has to say."

I smiled at her before walking away.

Walking up the stairs I could feel my heart beating my my chest. Non of this was her fault and I had told her it was how much of a b!tch does that make me. Pearing over I could see the door to our flat was still open , walking in I could see she was still lying where I had left her.

" Kimberley ! , I am so so sorry ! " I ran over and knelt down beside her."

" Cheryl , I never ment to hurt you , It wasnt what you think . . . . "

" Shhh ! , Its ok I know what happened Nicola told me."

" Am so sorry I should of told you , But I was scared you would hate me , Like you do now."

" I don't hate you Kimberley , I was just mad I didnt mean any of them horriable things I said , Your the one that probably hates me now !"

" Cheryl I could never hate you." She looked up at me for the first time her eyes were bloodshocked from crying.

" I am so sorry I left you here like this." I said a tear rolling down my cheek.

" Cheryl I was really scared there , I thought you had left me for good." She grabbed told of my hand.

" Please dont end it between us , I love you so much !"

" Hey , Dont be daft I love you , Come here." I pulled her into a hug before joining her once again crying.

" I promise I will never let you go again !" I whispered into her ear causing her to pull me closer.

Pulling back I glanced up at the clock.

" God its 5 in the morning , Lets go back to bed."

I could see worry creep across Kimberley's face.

" Babe lets just forget all about this , Ok ? , I trust you and I made a mistake I should of listened to what you had to say."

" This is all my fault though , Why arent you punishing me more."

" Kimberley I didnt mean that , Non of this is your fault."

" But it is , I should of never hugged Justin , Then he wouldnt of kissed me."

" Kimberley thats him not you , You didnt kiss him so there for this is not your fault !"

" It was bad timing that I walked in."

I stood up and held my hand out which she gladly accepted. I helped her get up before cupping her cheeks with my hands.

" I love you." I simply said before kissing her gently and lovingly.

" I love you too !" 

" Now lets forget about this and go to bed I am shattered."

" Ok !" 

We made our way back to our bedroom knowing that we never wanted to feel like that again. I loved Kimberley and knew I always wanted to be with her and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her.

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