Chapter 15

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Opening my eyes I got the biggest fright of my life.

" Sh!t Kimberley ! , Why are you watching me ?"

" Coz you look so beautiful and peaceful when your asleep."

" Yehh well you scared the sh!ts out of me ! " I smiled back before leaping forward and throwing my arms around her.

" You know your soo creepy Miss Walsh." I whipered into her ear before bitting it softly.

" Creepy !? . . Am not the one with the arse fetish !"

" Can't help it , Have you saw how amazing that arse is ?" I giggled.

" I think I bet your record last night." She winked.

" Ooo ... No you never your such a lier ."

" You cummed so hard you could of put out a f*cking burning building Cheryl !" 

" Haha ! Well I think I will have to regain my title then !" Winking I sat up and manouvered myself so I was straddling her hips.

" Woo I like the sound of that."

After a few hours of fun we hit the shower and then after yet more fun we eventually emerged and got ready. I just flung my old clothes back on before going down and making some breakfast. 

" Here you go pet , Toast and tea." I placed the plate down in front of her.

" F*cking hell could the toast get any blacker !" She laughted.

" Cheeky b!tch ! , We are on a week's sex ban now !" I smiled before making a sad face.

" Aww no Cheryl don't do that I was just joking." 

" Haha !! , Your so gulable am tellin ya." I laughed in histerics.

" Thank god I would of died of frustration !"

Just then my phone beeped it was a message from Ashley.

Hey babe you ok ? When you coming home , Is it ok if I go out with the boys tonight ? . . . Love youu babe ! xxxxx

I could feel Kimberley's eyes looking at me.

" Who is it ?" She asked simply.

" Its just Ashley , Wanting to know when I will be home and if he can go out tonight." I sighed back.

" Well if your wanting company !" She winked.

" Good idea me , you and the girls should have a wee party of our own at mine ?" 

" Yeh good plan , I will give all the girls a ring and tell them , ok ?"

" Yep that sounds good thanks !" I said getting up and moving round the table.

Leaning down I placed my lips on her own.

"Mmmm . . . Your so good." She said in between kisses.

" I can be better !" I replied before running my tongue along her lips asking for entrance.

She accepted and opened her mouth , letting my tongue massage hers I sat down on her lap and stared to run my fingers through her hair.

" You know we still have not done it on the table." She said after breaking the kiss off.

" Mmmm . . .Sorry I have to go now." I laughed before getting up off her lap and reaching for my jacket.

I could see the disappointment in her eyes.

" Don't worry babe there always tonight and you know fine well I have a table. I winked before heading to the door.

" Bye babe , I love you !" I shouted through before leaving.

" Love you too." I heard her reply.

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