Chapter 11

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Sitting down at our booth in the fancy London restraunt I chose to try and forget about Ashley and sat next to Kimberley knowing she would make me feel better , And that was what she was good at she always made me feel better even without knowing it just one smile from her and she would make me feel like the most special person to walk this planet. Skimming through the menu I suddenly felt a hand touch my inner thigh immediently knowing who it was I turned around and looked at Kimberley's smiling face her eyes were full of happiness infact I dont think I had ever seen her that happy. And I had caused all of this I had caused this by flirting with her I had caused this but giving into sheer lust. And now I was having these stupid thoughts in my head. I knew I wanted kimberley there was no dought about it. But I also knew there was a safer option and that was Ashley , Yes I still loved him but after his cheating I soon realised I wasn't in love with him. Then I couldn't help wondering if Kimberley was beating herself up inside just like me , Was she thinking about her and Justin and what she really wanted or did she just not care maybe she wasn't even in love with me maybe Justin just wasn't satisfying her enough in the bedroom and she wanted to try something diffrent. But I knew her better than that she would never ever to something like that to me. But still I couldn't help thinking these thoughts after the life I have had I learned to never give yourself completely to someone and maybe that and that alone was why I kept getting hurt. But I knew deep down in my heart that Kimberley out of all people would never try to hurt me.

" Earth to Chez ! " I saw a menu getting waved infront of my face.

" Aww sorry." I replied before focusing on Nicola who still had the menu in her hand.

" What you want to drink babes ?" She asked after she was sure my full attention was on her.

" Erm . . . Just a orange juice for me." I smiled.

After the waiter went to go and fetch our drinks I peered back down at the menu , Still noticing Kimberley had her hand on my thigh I looked over at the other girls and after being satisfied the didn't suspect a thing I reached my left hand down and placed it over her giving it a little squeeze at the same time.

" What you getting Chez ?" Sarah asked.

" Erm a dunno am not to sure what I want." I replied still looking down at the menu.

" What about fish you like a bit of fish . . . Don't you ?"

Looking up at her I could she the amusment in her face.

Why is she saying all this weird stuff to me . . . . OooOoo God She knows !!! , Well I think I will play her at her own game.

" Yes I do love a good bit of fish infact !" I smirked back.

When our food arrived the waiter sat down my fish and chips infront of me.

" Mmmm . . . I love the smell of fish !" I said with a serious face.

Everyone turned round and gave me a funny look , Even Sarah.

" I didn't think anyone liked the smell of fish babes ! , Thats just weird !" Laughed Nadine after a minute or so.

" Yeh but you know whats even better." I said with a smile on my face.

" And what might that be ?" asked a curious Sarah.

" The taste , Aww it tastes so good." I said before cutting a bit off and raising it to my mouth.

At this point everyone was staring at me with a weird look on there face , Even Kimberley didn't know what to make of my unusual actions.

After I had finished my lunch I went to the toilet after coming out of the cubicle and washing my hands the door opened and in came Sarah. Looking around to see if anyone was in with us and after realising we were alone she turned back round to speak.

" Well . . . " I could see the worry on her face I knew she wanted to tell me something.

This was a side to Sarah I had never seen before she was usually so out spoken and confident. Not being able to take anymore of the tention I saved her the job . . . 

" Sarah why didn't you tell me you knew ?"

I saw the worry disappear from her eyes and a smile creep across her face.

" Aww thanks god you said it , I thought i was about to keel over and die there !"

" Yeh so how do you know ?"

" Haha ! , Well funny story really."

" Last night when Kimberley had put me into one of your beds , I could still taste the sick in my mouth and it was really f*cking clatty , So i decided to come down and get a glass of water to get rid of it and well I saw you f*ucking her on the kitchen worktop !" She laughed 

" OOO MY GOD ! " I blushed red.

" How much did you see ?" 

" The whole thing , every facial expression , every filthy thing that came out both your mouths." She laughed again in amusment and my burning red face.

" Why didn't you just go back up stairs then Sarah !" I shouted just a wee but to loud.

" Well I really don't know , I just had the urge to watch , Weird innit coz am not into the fish." This time her face was covered in confusion.

" Then what happend after you saw us , Have you told anyone ?" I could feel myself start to panic.

" Well I went upstairs after you made her come , I think I was still in shock. Then I just sat on the bed and I thought about what I had just saw and no Cheryl I have not told a soul." She gave me a reassuring smile.

I smile back , Who knew Sarah could be so sensitive.

" But Cheryl have you thought about Ashley or even Justin for that matter ?"

" Yes I can't stop , I mean I know I want to be with Kimberley And Sarah you have to believe me I love her with all my heart but what will happen if we do become a couple and the media find out then what will happen to the whole band , Its not fair on all of use !" A tear rolled down my cheek.

" Well you don't have to worry about me I will stick by you whatever you decide and I am pretty sure the rest of the girls will do the same." She smiled before wiping my tears away and pulling me into a hug.

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