Chapter 3: New friends

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I woke up wondering where I was then I remembered I moved. I looked at my watch. It said 7:30. "ADAM'S COMING IN AN HOUR!" I yelled then calmed down. I got out of bed and got ready. I texted Adam saying I was going to IHop for breakfast. He replied with Ok pick u up there :). I replied with a smiley face :).

~~time skip to when Adam picks me up~~

"Hey Adam!" I said. He waved. He looked upset. I walked over to him and asked if he was okay.

No answer.

He took me to his car and we drove to the offices. We didn't talk. I felt a little upset knowing that my brother was upset but at the same time I was happy for going to the offices.

~~at the offices~~

I got out of the and looked at the tall building. Adam just walked inside. I ran to catch up but the elevator he went in already went up so I had to go up the stairs :(. I was panting by the time I got to the top. Adam's elevator had just arrived too. As I walked through the door it hit me on the shoulder. I screamed but Adam kept walking. I took my hand off my shoulder and saw blood pouring out of it. I screamed again. I started to cry and about 10 seconds later, tears were pouring out of my eyes. Suddenly someone came up behind me and tapped my good shoulder. I turned around and saw a man with gingery orange hair standing behind me."Hey are you okay?" he asked with a concerned face. I shook my head and looked at my shoulder. He must've seen the blood because we ran and got a paper towel with cold water on. He put it on my shoulder and put a bandage around it. "It will feel better soon." he said and smiled. I hugged him. "Thank you." I said smiling. He hugged me back. I let go and said "Oh by the way i'm (Y/N). Im new here.""That's a lovely name. Im Max." He showed me around and I met the guys. I set up my office and sat in there for about 15 minutes doing nothing.  Suddenly, the door opened I sat there looking at my feet. "(Y/N) you okay?" I didn't look to see who it was. I couldn't recognise the voice. "(Y/N)?" they said again. A tear fell from my eye. I got up walked out the door and went to the kitchen. I sat down in the corner of the kitchen and cried. I remembered who's voice it was. Max...

Max's P.O.V

I knew Y/N had finished organising her office and she hadn't come out for 15 minutes. I knocked on her door and walked in. "Y/N you okay?" No reply. "Y/N?" Still no reply. I stood there for 5 minutes waiting for a reply she suddenly stood up and barged past me into the kitchen. I sighed and sat on a sofa.

Your P.O.V

I cried more. My arm in pain. "I wanna go home..." I mutter to myself. I walked to Max and gave him a hug. "I-i'm sorry Max..." He didn't reply he just hugged me and smiled.

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