Chapter 8: The secret... (The reason why Adam was sad)

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~ super magical magic time skip to the morning cuz life~

Your POV.

I began to wake up but then felt something warm next to me. Then I realised I was on the floor. I opened my eyes and saw Max lying next to me. Our foreheads about - that far away from eachother (the dash is how far away they were)( FANGIRLING LIKE MAD AHHHH). Without realising I nudged closer so our foreheads were touching. I again moved closer and was about to get back to sleep when Max woke up. "G'morning." He said yawning. "Morning, how did you sleep?" I said shaking. First reason why I was shaking, I was so close to him, second, I was cold (duh). He sat up and leaned against the wall. "I slept well how about you?" "I s-slept w-well th-thanks." I said. IM SUCH A STUTTER QUEEN! I thought to myself. "Why are you shaking Y/N? Are you cold?" I nodded. He went and got a blanket and wrapped it around me then pulled me right up next to him. I fell asleep leaning on his shoulder.


We were walking back to the office when everyone apart from me and Adam went somewhere... (That will be revealed next chapter!) "Hey Adam?" I asked concerned. He nodded and he stared at the ground. " Why are you upset?" I asked and hugged him. He sighed and said "Y/N our parents are dead." My eyes began to fill with tears. "How did they die?" "House fire." A tear slid down my cheek. "But we all escaped when we were kid- wait no.. Not everyone.."


(Adam was 7 you were 5 about to turn 6) "Y/N HURRY SWEETIE!!" Mum said. " But mum what about Mag and Zinnia?! (Just had to put me in and BTW mag is my best friend he asked me to put him in the story and BTW I'm a cat that looks like sprinkles and Mag is a dog that looks like Thorgi)" I said with tears streaming down my face. "It's too late! Come on!" Dad said. "I will save them!" Said my big sister, (she's 12) Jackzene. That was the last thing anyone said that day. She ran inside and through the pets outside. Before we could save her, Jackzene had gone up in flames and died.


Tears were streaming down my face. "I'm sorry" Adam said. I could tell he was holding back the tears. Before I knew what had happened I was back at the office. I probably fainted.

Hey guys! Zin here! Thank you so much for reading this! This has answered alot of people's questions. Just a quick warning! 2 days until your questions have to be up! Anyways until next time, enjoy reading my little ducklings!

Zin xoxo

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