Chapter 1 (PROLOGUE)

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Author's Note

Hey there! Konichiwa, minna-san. I'm Narumi. But, when I write a story, I would like to introduce myself as Sasu. However, this is the first story that I ever write; and it had went through a lot of editing as I wrote this story when I was still in the elementary school and.... yeah..... So, please enjoy reading this story. Untill then, let's the story begin!! \(><)/

" " (talking)
' ' (thinking)
* * (action)


Krik... Krik...
Chirp... Chirp...

In a private forest, near a river...

"I'm done! Kaa-chan, I'm going to swim now!" a boy with fluffy black hair and sapphire eyes excitedly shouted using his high-pitched voice. He quickly run toward a river nearby the waterfall.

"Tsu-chan! Hold a second! Your dad and I do not done yet! And you must keep that pocket watch in your backpack or it might get broken!" reminded his mother.

The boy stopped in sudden and turned around, facing his mother with a pout. He clenched his tiny fist tightly.

"No... Don't wanna..... I will never keep it away from my sight... And I'm good on my own," his eyes looked slightly watery as he rubbed the tears rashly. Then, he quickly turned back toward the river before went in.

His mother sighed heavily.



-Flashback (2 years ago)-

In a mansion.....

"Cough...cough....," sounds of a man's coughing echoing in the huge-antique themed room.

A wealth-looking old man was laying on a king-sized bed. His face looked pale and he was coughing rapidly. After a while, a six years old boy and his parents came in.

"Come near, my dear..., " said the old man, wheezing while tried so hard to control himself from coughing too much. The boy walked slowly toward the gigantic-bed while sobbing. His parents followed him closely from behind.

"Tsubasa... You're already grown up.... don't you? So, you must braced yourself like we'd promise before then, ok....," the old man smiled weakly as he give an advised to the boy.

"Nope... I'm not crying... I am, a big boy now," Tsubasa replied as he quickly wiped off his tears while letting out quiet sobs.

"Well, there is something that I want to give to you, my dear boy...," the old man told his personal maid to open the upper drawer of the sided-table and gave the object to him. He turned toward Tsubasa's again.

"You can keep this now... From now on, it will be yours... It's a she, by the way... You think that you can take a really good care of her, yeah?" the old man winked secretly.

Tsubasa looked down onto his tiny hands. He gripped that vintage-pocket watch tightly before faced-up to his beloved grandfather and give a tight hug. His tears began to flow again.

" Don't go, grandpa...," begged Tsubasa. Even though he's still in his young ages, he already knew what did his grandfather went through.

His grandfather just nodded with a soften smile plastered on his lips as he return the hug willingly. After a while, the family left the room.

A few couples of minutes later, the chief-maid of the mansion announced the sad news about the mansion's owner, who was Tsubasa's beloved grandfather. The day began to cry in the gloomy evening....

-End of Flashback-


While Tsubasa was swimming, his right leg got slips-off a mossy stone. He was drowning thus the shocked of the sudden missed step. The water began to gulp into his tiny mouth frequently.

He tried to shout for help. But unfortunately, his parents can't heard him well. He struggled for a while in the water before his head get knocked hardly onto one of the river's rock.

For his surprised, his pocket watch had glowed suddenly before a gorgeous girl with long-sparkling pinked hair appeared while floating beneath him.

He still managed to notice the sweet-innocent smile from the girl's face, even with his blurry sight, before he felt unconscious. The girl rescued and healed him from the injuries he got as she gently lied him by the riverside.

She whispered softly, "Till we meet again... Tsubasa-kun...."

Then, she dived, disappear into the water, right after his parents nearly arrive at the place with worried expression.


Author's Note

Hey minna! How you're doing? Is this story good, ok, or what? However, thank you for you guys who is willingly to read this story/book. I really appreciate that (>v<). See you in the next chaps!!

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