Chapter 10

10 0 0

" " (talking)
' ' (thinking)
* * (action)


Back to the mansion compound....

"Where is Tsubasa-kun?" Momoka stumbled toward Kenji. There were bandages on her forehead and knee which showed that she was lightly injured. And that's all because of her own stupidity and clumsiness. How come she tripped herself on a rock while carrying a first-aid kit for treating those injured.

Kenji kept silent for a while; "He runs back into the mansion," he replied softly as he stared blankly toward the collapsing mansion (A/N : Which is so unliked Kenji).

"Barou. What does he think by doing that?" Momoka looked somewhat worried but yet angry at the same time.

Kenji just ignored her babbling and began to walk toward the mansion as he been hypnotised. His gaze locked on the mansion. Momoka who had noticed it quickly grabbed his hand.

"Huh?!" Kenji snapped out. He turned at Momoka in wonder.

"Don't..... It's dangerous....," Momoka shaked off her head.

"I have to. He's my friend. Our best friend," his usual talking type had gone which was the sign of him being serious and determined, and Momoka knew it too. But she still refused to let him go.

"Please, Kenji-kun..," her usual cool expression had soften as her eyes turn glassy. She afraid that she might lose him again, not after her previous mistake.

Kenji just smiled slightly as he took a step closer and brought Momoka into a hug. Then he suddenly kissed her gently on her soft lips.

"I love you. I truly am and will always am," he whispered to Momoka's ear before let her go. Then he then quickly ran toward the mansion before take a last glance to Momoka who still recovered from his unexpected act.

"Don't ya worry! I'll come back for ya later, ok! You know that I'm hard to get injured and harder to get killed!" he shouted from far, grinning and winked at her, then he gone into the burning mansion.

"Kenji....," Momoka mumbled.


(hitting sound)

The pieces collapsed onto Tsubasa. Harumi was really shocked after she had been pushed aside by Tsubasa as his attempt to save her.

"Tsubasa-kun...... N-Naze...?" she looked at half-buried Tsubasa with tears flowed across her soft cheeks. She crawled slowly toward him as her body was still shivering in shocked.

Tsubasa smiled in pain as the blood gushed out of his mouth; "You already know me right?" Tsubasa asked.

"*hick* Of course I do *hick* What are you talking about?" she hiccuped as she answered him. Tsubasa's smile grew wider.

"No.... I mean..... like, before this.... Before you meet me...... Officially....," Harumi didn't gave any respond. She looked puzzled.

"....... You're my pocket watch, right?....," Tsubasa continued as his eyes started to feel heavy as if someone forced him to close his eyes. Harumi just stunned. Her mouth looks like moving.

"I-I...," she stuttered, not knowing how exactly to reply to that.

But before she could reacted to anything, suddenly they heard someone was calling for them.

"Shota!! Tokaeda-san!!"

'Is that Kenji?? What's he doing here? But....' she wondered as she took a glance toward the half-conscious Tsubasa.

"Kenji-kun!! We're here!! Hayaku!! Tsubasa-kun is injured badly!!" she shouted as loud as possible.

"You'll be fine, Tsubasa-kun. It's gonna be ok now," Harumi kneeling and rest the already-unconscious-Tsubasa's head on her laps, gently stroking his soft but dusty hair.


Kenji quickly ran toward Tsubasa and Harumi as he had noticed them from far. He gasped when he realised Tsubasa's condition.

"Damn...... Err, Tokaeda-san, right? Could lend me a hand??"

"I'll try my best..."

"Urghh," Kenji grunted due to the heavy compartment. All because he wanted to saved his friend. His best friend, which was he already love as his own family, more than his blood-related family.

Harumi began to cough again while Tsubasa already faint because of losing too much blood and inhaled too much of the toxin smoke.

"C'mon," Kenji already sweated a lot. Finally, he able to lift the compartment and pull-out Tsubasa with a little helped of Harumi from the gap. Suddenly the mansion began to collapsed again.

"Hayaku! We don't have much time now!" shouted Kenji for attention as he leaded the way. He was cradling Tsubasa onto his back while Harumi followed him from behind.

"Lower your body a little bit, so that you'll not inhaled the smoke too much!" he instructed while half-shouting thus he had tied his bandanna over her face, left out his eyes only.

"Hai," Harumi obeyed without questioning.



Finally they came out from the burning-collapsing mansion. They caught on their unstable breathe and inhaled deeply the fresh-unpolluted air.

Kenji felt like laying on the ground, but then he remembered immediately that he was still piggybacking Tsubasa. He laid Tsubasa gently on the soft carpet-liked grass before collapsing beside him.

Harumi quickly reached for Tsubasa and kneeled down; "Tsubasa! Hey, Tsubasa-kun!" she tried to wake him up.

"He's lost too much blood. I don't know if he really make can it through," said Kenji which was more like whispering to himself as he closed his eyes before covered his face with his arm. But then, he realised something unusual. He quickly sat up. Harumi, who was also just thinking about the same wonder too, also examined their surrounding.

'Where are we? Where's this place?'

"This is Evergreen Forest. Shota's private forest. Located behind of the mansion."

Kenji and Harumi immediately averted their head to source of the voice.

"Tsubasa!!" Harumi was half-shout when she saw he smiled weakly to her. He was struggling to sit but he failed.

"Urghh...," he gasped in pain. Even a single move could gave a shocked-stingy pain to the entire of his body, so he remained calm and still. Harumi approached him and settled down by his side.

"Demo.... Do yatte...?" Harumi looked at him in full of questions, reminded of his previous statement.

Tsubasa smiled softly in replied as he stared sadly into the beautiful glassy unique set of eyes of her. He slowly wiped off those tears with his thumb.


Author's Note

And so we stop here. Yeah, I knows it shouldn't be like this... but.... It's just my decision though. By the way, there will be one chapter left until this story really comes to its end... which means...... I (finally) can republishing my other story again!! And of course, it is a fanfic! Yay~!! Ok... sorry... But feel free to look forward to it, k? Bye2 for now ;)

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