Chapter 8

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" " (talking)
' ' (thinking)
* * (action)


In-front of the haunted house.....

"A-Are you sure about this? I really don't suppose we go *gulped* go inside," Harumi looked totally scared.

"Hey, it'll be fine. I definitely won't leave you alone inside there. If you really freak-out, I give you the permission to grab onto my hand, ok? By the way, we're still in the middle of daylight. It's nothing to be afraid of," Tsubasa tried to assure her. For a record, he really love hunted house to begin with. So, he'll did his best so that they could went inside that house of crowd attraction.

"I'm not really sure about that... But...... Welp.. How scary it will be, right?" Harumi's voice heard more confident even though her slight paled face tell the opposite.

They walk together into the haunted house, or more like a maze than a house, thus the place was builded as maze with a lot of spooky things and horror decorations.

Harumi was too busy on being scared, so she didn't notice that a ghost was slandering toward her. Then, the place suddenly become more silent in her mental image from what Harumi thought it was supposed to be. She turned her head slowly when she felt an unfamiliar presence behind her and......

"Kyaaaaaa!!!" she screamed and attempted to grab onto Tsubasa's arm. But to her surprise, he wasn't there beside her anymore. As per usual because she seemed always lose him in the crowd.

She began to be on edge which leaded her to curled at a small corner. She brought her knees closer to her chest as she leaned her back on the wall.

"Tsubasa-kun... Where are you? You, barou, where do you been at this moment?" she was so scared as she started to shiver and sob soundly.

It felt like forever before a hand which was somewhat a little bit cold rest on her shoulder. She was startled but too afraid to opened her eyes and look, even for just a little bit.

"Harumi. It's ok. It is just me," a husky voice persuaded her in soft intonation. This caused her to rise her head slowly and immediately hugged the figure.

"Don't you ever ask me to accompany you into any haunted house again," she muffled onto the shirt. Tsubasa smiled apologetically as he sigh in relief.

"No, I wouldn't," he patted her head gently.


"Whom in this world has a heart to build a haunted house just like a maze? And as for you. You did promised to me that you won't leave me in that stupid place," Harumi crossed her hands as she give a death glare to Tsubasa while pouts angrily.

"But... It's gonna be boring then, besides the horror maze is a new attraction here. Not all amusement park has something huge like this as the main attraction. At least not for now.... And by the way, you're the one who had agreed to go inside too," Tsubasa was unsatisfied with her as she only blamed him. Harumi just ignored him and averted her view from facing Tsubasa. She started to mumbled incoherent words under her breathe due to frustration. Who thought haunted house could be this creepy and scary.

"Ok-ok. I'm sorry," Tsubasa looked like muffled a laughter as he tried to comfort her, but she still not replied anything other than growled in annoyance.

"If you smile, I'll spend anything for you. Ermm, how about that?"

Harumi kept silent for a while before answered shortly without looking at him,"I want an ice-cream. I noticed there's new crêpe stall near the entrance just now..."

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