Chapter 3

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Author's Note

Tbh, I'm too lazy to write the author's note. I meant... Why should I?? Errr.... so, there might be no more author's note afterward except if I have decided to write something, or anything in particular. Anyway, please enjoy the updated chapter, ok?

" " (talking)
' ' (thinking)
* * (action)


"Woah!! I've never thought that your family have a mansion this huge!" Momoka awed. Her eyes sparked with excitement.

"Yeah, right! This is not even huge anymore, this is humongous!! It looks just like a mini castle rather than a mansion!" Kenji added with a hanging mouth which made him looked sort of like a guppy.

"Or...... it is actually a manor...??" He then gave a 'betrayed' expression to Tsubasa.

Tsubasa didn't gave any replies to neither both of them. He just exhaled an unnoticeble heavy-sigh.

The main gate opened automatically to their surprised. There was then lined a group of butlers and maids at the entrance of the mansion straight to the main door. They all were bowing politely to them.

"Welcome to Shota's Mansion. I'm the person-in-charge for this mansion, Musume 'Alice' Furoumi, 5th Generation's of Chief-Maiden," greeted a young lady who just stepped in front of them while also half-bowing in respective manner.

"Arigatou, Alice-san... But you guys really no need to this. For real. I told you before this, don't you? Well, everyone, you may take a leave now. No need to escort us," Tsubasa thanked Musume regarding her effort to welcome them and gave a command to the lined up butlers and maids.

He then nodded as sign of approval toward the slightly confused staffs' of the grand mansion. After that, the staffs professionally leaved to continue their usual chores.

"Ne, Alice-san... Can you prepare a room for her? No need for this guy here as he'll share the same room with me. My room quite spacious. Just add another set of bed there," Tsubasa asked while referring to his best friends.

"Hai, Tsubasa-sama...," Musume nodded and bowed again. Therefore, she leaded them into the mansion.

"To be honest, I thought someone rich like him would actually act formally toward their worker and be more demanding. Welp, I guess I watch too much TV then," Kenji half whispered to Momoka who just shrugged in similar agreement.


After a while walking around the mansion while got introduced with important rooms and some other places, they finally settled inside their room respectively.

"Dang~ This bed is so cool! It feels like I'm in a five star hotel!" exclaimed Kenji excitedly. He kept rolling on the king-sized bed comfortably.

As per usual since few days back then, Tsubasa didn't really gave a slight care. He just walked toward the balcony and slided open the glass door. Then, he pondered while leaning on the balcony. Kenji looked at Tsubasa before immediately woke up from the bed and went to him.

"Ne, Shota. Anything wrongs?" Kenji interrupted. Tsubasa glanced at him for seconds before caught back on the sight of his mansion's compound. The sunlight shone perfectly on the yard, left a view of the landscape liked been drawn on the canvas.

"Sho-," Kenji not abled to finish-off his sentence when there's a few knocks on the door. Both of the boys turned around.

'Maybe it's Alice-san. Is dinner ready? It's still too early tho,' Tsubasa opened the door in wonder.

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