Chapter 7

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" " (talking)
' ' (thinking)
* * (action)


Tsubasa was taking his leisure in the bath while hummed softly. Suddenly he heard a sound came from the bedroom. However, he just brushed it off thus he thought that was might be Kenji or Harumi who had entered the room to drop or take something.

Unfortunately, he didn't knew that was something that should never he should ignored. Some detail that was very little and yet very important. Some event that could affect the death and live of a person, that later would made him crumbled.

After a few minutes later, he came out from the bathroom and got ready for dinner.


Tsubasa entered the dining room and found Harumi was helping the other maids in setting up those dishes for dinner. He smiled slightly.

"Have the dinner prepared yet?" he walked near Harumi, being oblivious.

"Hmm... Not yet... Just a little bit more.....," Harumi replied without cared to took a glance at Tsubasa. She was too focused on her task and deep down her gut, also hoped that Tsubasa would understand that she didn't want him to disturb her doing her chores. Unfortunately Tsubasa didn't seemed like moving anywhere.

'Welp, at least he doesn't seems like pocking his nose around,' Harumi assured herself.

2 minutes later and so on.....

Tsubasa was still standing there without doing nothing as if he was a mannequin doll.

"*sigh* Ok... Maybe Tsubasa-sama can wait at the living room. Then I'll call if we are done with this, hm?" feeling the mindless stared on her, Harumi paused whatever she was doing and looked at Tsubasa with a 'comfort' smile. Silently asking him why he was still there.

"But I want to—," Tsubasa attempted to argue as he touch those cutlery prepared playfully, but then he actually reserved a slight-glare from Harumi, "Tsubasa-sama...."

"Ok, fine. I'll wait there and won't be an eyesore or disturbance anymore," he was bitter before exited the dining room with somewhat his signature's pout.

"Sigh....," Harumi huffed in approval before she continued her duty. Somehow, you can heard soft chuckled coming from her.

By that time, she had known Tsubasa too well. He and his childish attitude never can be seperated, even he had grown up.


Tsubasa stared at the starry night peacefully. Then he leaned on his back at the balcony's rail before a smile slowly creeped out on his lips before he dropped in confusion.

'Hmmm...... AHHH??!! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING???!!!' he looked really messed-up with his hair sticked out randomly. But suddenly he stopped from pointlessly ruffled his hair.

'Do I really had fallen in love with........? No, no, no,' he started to do his stupid reaction again then cover his blushing face. He looked totally lost in a love-sick.

'Gahhh......,' embarrassed of himself as he never really took any interest toward any girls until now, let aside to have a crush with them.

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