Chapter 2

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Author's Note

Alright, everyone!! Get back into your position!! All set?! Let's go!!
(take a remote control, then turn on the television)

" " (talking)
' ' (thinking)
* * (action)


'What a boring class...,' Tsubasa stared boredly onto the blackboard before glanced at the scenery outside of the window beside him.

'Hurmm... The spring is starting.... What am I gonna do during those holiday?' Tsubasa wonders.

Ding... Dong... Dang... Dong...
Dong... Dang... Ding... Dong...

" Ok class! Our study will end here! You may clean up your things and please enjoy your holiday's 'present'!!" says Akemi-sensei cheerfully. A few grunts could be heard from his students as he smiled meaningfully. He exited the classroom and the other students also began packing and leaving. But Tsubasa still in his 'daydream mode'.

"Hey, Shota! The limited edition cake will finish soon if ya nat hurry!" shouted a boy with orangish-spiky hair and emerald eyes from the entrance of the class.

There was a baby-faced girl with lemon hair and jade eyes standing beside him. Her feature really looked innocent, especially with her short-wavy hair. But still, don't judge a book by its cover. You must not under estimate an innocent-looking people, especially her, thus she was actually a lead champion in the female judo's team, and also quite tomboy in personality.

"Yeap! Although it's my mom cafe, we're still her regular customers. It's totaly unfair if we get any advantage," the girl agreed.

" Yeah..... I know.....," Tsubasa who got snapped out from his thoughts lazily replied while stuffing his things inside his bag.

The boy's name is Kenji Tatsuya and the girl is Momoka Hakeda.


While they were walking to the Everdeen Glory Cafe, there's a girl who walked past them from the opposite direction.. . The girl somehow looked familiar to Tsubasa. That made him stopped and turned around. Unfortunately, there's no-one at the alleyway except for them.

"What are ya doin' there?! C'mon, hayaku!" shout Kenji, snapped him out.

"Y-yeah, wait up.....," replied Tsubasa softly while jogged toward them.

'Who on earth is she?' thought Tsubasa curiously.


" Fuh... Really glad that there are still some slices left...," Momoka paid price happily.

" Ah~ The Snow-Flakes Cake already finished...," a girl with a long feathered ponytail sighed heavily.

"I told you to hurry, didn't I? You already know they were limited, so stop complaining already. 'Cause you're the one who's late," babbled a short brided hair girl while crossing her arms.

"Arra, you're so mean...," exclaimed the ponytail-girl while sticking out a little bit of her tongue toward her friend.

"Here.... You guys can have this..," Momoka suddenly interrupted their conversation.

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