Chapter 6

7 0 0

" " (talking)
' ' (thinking)
* * (action)


At the mansion compound....

Harumi was sweeping the dried-leaves while humming her favourite song. She looked cheerful as per usual with her signature happy smile plastered on her lips. But somehow, its looked brighter.

'Today, Tsubasa's cousins will come to visit. I can't wait to meet them. They must be really cute from what I saw in the picture Musume-nee showed to me,' thought her as she cuffed both of her warm cheeks.

Suddenly, the small door at the very end of the main gate was being opened.

"Woah! This compound is so beautiful and cool! I love this place already!!" chimed a boy with tanned caramel hair paired with a set of marine eyes, as he entered the mansion's compound. Furthermore, the outfit of the boy looked so cute as it was designed to be sailor-liked.

Not longer after that, here came a girl with bunny-styled tied-up hair. She looked just like the boy both from her face and her age-size. She was holding a big bunny plush-toy about the same high as her. She also wore the similar set of outfit as the boy.

The previous little boy already ran around randomly in the compound while the girl just remains static while hugging tightly onto her cute fluffy-bunny plushie (A/N : Lol, the rhymes tho 😝).

'Kyaa~ What a cute twins pair~♡' Harumi fangirl in her mind.

"You're so beautiful, onee-san. Can we play together?" Harumi, who was no longer aware of her surrounding because she was busy awing at those cute tiny pairs, nearly jump-out of her skin. The cute little boy with squishy looking cheeks before this was now beside her. He looked at her with a his bright smile while tugging on the end of her special maiden dress for attention.

Before she could gave any reply, suddenly there's a shout from far that interposed her. "Yuta! What are you doing there?! Are you disturbing people again?!"

Harumi who was looking at the boy before that quickly facing at the voice direction, so did the boy. She saw a woman which she assumed as Mizuki Mayu, the twins mother, standing not far from them.

"Nai-yo! I'm just asking this nee-san to come and play with me!" stated Yuta as he shouted back innocently. Mizuki walked toward them with sour expression, as if she was mad at something. So, Harumi quickly replied as she half-bowing to her gracefully, "It is ok, madam. I do not mind it. I promise that I will take a good care of him."

"Hmmm..... But who are you, lady? I never seen you before. And you were not here last time, I guess?" asked Mizuki while examining her.

"Oh! I am..... That's.... Urmm...," unfortunately, Harumi was stuttering for a sudden.

'Damn, why with my mouth, today? Can you just please stop stuttering,' she mentally scolded herself as she blushed a bit due to embarrassment with a nervous smile. Suddenly there was a voice that helped her in replying to the question efficiently.

"She's my personal maid a.k.a somewhat my PA. Her name is Harumi Tokeada, or you can just adressed her as Harumi. She was here since last month. So, is there any more questions, Mayu-san?"

'Thank goodness...... Wait a second...... I know this voice......?!' Harumi thought as she quickly turns around and just to find a figure who was standing behind her with a gap that was about not more than one inch between them.

She was so shocked as she stumbled backward a little bit. Mizuki didn't gave any response and just walked passed them with a quick-glare at Tsubasa. They both and not to forget; lil Yuta too, just stare at her dumbfoundly until she was out of their sight.

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