Chapter 11 (EPILOGUE)

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Author's Note

So! Finally, I'm back!! Let's not waste the time anymore, and let's the heist begin, nakama-san!!

*P/S : It's just a few suggestions, but why don't you guys try to read this chap with this soundtrack in peaceful place. It's sure bring quite 'moment';

Forgetting You
(by Davichi)
You Are My Everything
(by Gummy)
Always [piano vers. recommended too]
(by Davichi)
LOVE YOURSELF Highlights Reel 2 [piano ver.]
(by BTS)
Will Be Back
(by Im Sun Hae)
LOVE YOURSELF Highlights Reel 3 [piano ver.]
(by BTS)
LOVE YOURSELF Highlights Reel 1 [piano ver.]
(by BTS)

" " (talking)
' ' (thinking)
* * (action)



5 days ago...

Tsubasa, who was once again been abandoned by his friends due to him being moody at them thus the last incident, wandering alone in the somehow empty alley. He was actually just came back from his daily routines, jogged trice laps at a park nearby. It's took only 7 minutes by walking from the mansion to go there.

He suddenly noticed the presence of Harumi who was carrying something carefully in her hands.

"Harumi? What is she doing?" Tsubasa mumbled to himself. Because of the curiosity that build up in him, so he attempted to follow her until she went into the same small cottage from before somewhere in the private forest behind the mansion.

" yatte?! How can she heal the wounded kitten? A dying little cat to be exact?!" he shocked upon from what he saw when he peaked inside from the window. Suddenly his head pounding painfuly.

"Urghh," he grunt in pain softly as he quickly stumbled away from the cottage and went into the mansion.

3 days later....

(At the amusement park emergency bay)

The young female doctor who examined him told them that Tsubasa just caught on a sudden fever and nausea. She later gave Tsubasa a cold-tablet, antibiotic for his antibodies, and a sleeping pill for resting his body for a while.

Tsubasa just shoved the medicines into his mouth without much complaining. The doctor turned to face Harumi and told her to not be too worried and just let him rested for a while, then he would be good to go. She patted her back twice gently and walked away.

Harumi faced Tsubasa, but just to find him already lied down on the bed with eyes closed. But one thing for sure, she actually didn't knew that Tsubasa was still wide awake thus he only took the medicine tablets, while hide away the sleeping pill under the pillow, inside of the pillowcase, while Harumi was chatting with the doctor just now.

Harumi sat on the chair beside the bed as she babbled softly; "You already aware that you can't ride them, so why don't you said it out-loud? Don't act like you can handle all things by your own-self for the sake. Just admitted to your flaws, wouldn't you? Tsu-baka...," but she still used her power to heal him and lessen his anxiety's aftermath even with an angry-pout.

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