Chapter 9

6 0 0

" " (talking)
' ' (thinking)
* * (action)


"Hey, Shota! Faster dude! Or do ya want imma go first?!" yelled Kenji from the bedroom.

'What's happening here? That guy usually faster than me in dress-up. It's suppose to take at least 10 minutes the longest, and this time he nearly exceeds 30 minutes,' complained Kenji as he sat on the single-leathered sofa. He tapped his foot onto the carpeted-floor impatiently.

"Matte-matte!! Just give me another minute!!" Tsubasa yelled back in panic from the wardrobe room.

"Arghh! This is so frustrating," he said to himself while still debating on choosing a suitable outfit. However, this is so unusual of him as he usually didn't really paid much attention to his appearance. Whatever comfy at his eyes, he would wore them. As long as they were not pink in colour. He never like that col- no, he really hate that pink colour despised for whatever reasons. For real. Ironic right?

Less than 5 minutes later.....

"Ok, I'm done. Let's go," Tsubasa came out from the wardrobe while smoothing his cloth.

"Why are yer so late?" Kenji asked while got off before examining Tsubasa's outfit. In-front of him, stood a rare view of Tsubasa who was wearing a unzipped-black jacket matched with a black ripped-jeans. Inside the jacket, he wore a white shirt that has smoky-silver graffiti on it. Kenji's eyebrows were twitching slightly.

"O-kay.... No wonder.... But... Like.... What the heck, Shota? Seriously? We ain't goin' anywhere. We're just havin' breakfast and it's only downstairs. It'll take not even 5 minutes from this room," Kenji face palmed due to his best friend sudden appearance and changed of style.

"Thehee~ Gotta be sure tho," Tsubasa grinned dumbly.

They walked together to the dining room, which was located at the ground floor, beside the main living room.

At the dining room, they noticed that everyone were already there and having their breakfast; Momoka, the twins, Mizuki; except for one person, Harumi. However, Tsubasa didn't actually noticed it her disappearance.

Kenji immediately took the empty seat beside Momoka as Tsubasa sat at his usual seated.

In Harumi's room....
(which is located beside Tsubasa's thus Musume said a personal maid's place was always to stay by her master)

'Why does my heart raced so fast as it will burst out whenever I think of Tsubasa? Am I like him  as if like 'LIKE' him? I meant..... or even worst; probably LOVE him? But..... I can't. I knew it already. It shouldn't be. I could disappeared from this world anytime soon,' Harumi sighed deeply. She looked so sad and hurted at the same time.

She stared into the standing mirror and saw herself, a girl with soft silk hot-pinkish hair perfected with a set of wide-sparkled emerald with a tint of golden-hot-pink eyes, her natural eyes' colour which was indeed very unique and attractive.

There was also a small pocket-watch shaped locket rested on her chest. On the locket, there were 7 colours of crystals. But all of them looks dull and dim, except for one, which still glowed a bright golden-ish yellow.

She looked at her precious locket and reached for it before gripped it tightly.

Then suddenly she heard something coming from somewhere outside of the room. Something liked a loud puffed.



The fire alarm blared and rang loudly...

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