*special chap.

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A hand suddenly tapped on his shoulder, shattered his nowhere wonder. He quickly turned around, facing a couple of his childhood friends.

"Hey, Mr. President~ It's been a while, right?" greet the cheerful voice. His eyes suddenly noticed the couple's hands that interlocked onto each other in a comfort grip. He couldn't prevent himself from gave a quick glance upon those matching rose-gold rings on their ring fingers.

"It was only 2 months since I went to an outstation, Tatsuya. And for the record, we actually meet every weekdays at our company," he replied with an elegant calm smile. His signature, gentled killer-smile, as what others called.

"Oh my~ That's-that was! Do you really want to kill me that instant?" Kenji fakedly gasp dramatically as he gripped onto his so-called throbbing heart.

Momoka just rolled her eyes due to annoyance as she thrusted her elbow on her fianceé side. It would be a while before their wedding due date.

"But now, we already become one of those grown-up. It's been what, 4 years ?, since our last youth-timeout. So, why don't we take some break together at somewhere? Are you fine with a slice of cake?"  Momoka asked Tsubasa politely. The very unusual offer considered that Tsubasa no longer a sweet-tooth person, but nothing peculiar when it came to Momoka. Her speech also heard more polite than the last time he remembered she would be.

'En, I wonder how many years than had passed seeing they somehow have grown..... It's a bit blurry tho.....,' he thought.

But when he watched those two love birds of his beloved buddies bickering with each other, it enough to say that they were still the same 'kid' that he ever known. He smiled a bit upon that thought.

'She is sure had turn somewhat more softie and feminine thus this stupid monkey,' Tsubasa wondered as he gave a quick glance toward a sulking Kenji, thus a certain Momoka refuse to buy an ice-cream crepe for him, before Tsubasa caughed once which stopped those two from continued their nonsense childish fight.

'Same as those past time,' he chuckled a bit before Kenji asked him what's so funny which he just shrugged off while friendly tapped on Kenji's shoulder.

Kenji then became irritated as Momoka also actually laughed upon seeing Tsubasa's action caused Kenji to started babbling how they no longer cared of him and just wanted to pick on him. Momoka said that as if they never did that before which caused her and Tsubasa to laugh louder.


After greeted their goodbye to each other, he and those two couple leaded on separated way.

'25th December is just around the corner. Needed to buy Christmas gifts for those twins.... What I shall buy this year, hm.....,' his randomly thought. The snow started to rain onto the cold cement of the pavement. He stared a soft glance upon the falling snow as he exhaled a cloud of visible breath due to the dropping temperature.

Slowly he retracted one of his hand from inside of the warm blue-ish waistcoat. He opened his palm; let the soft white vulnerable puff rest on it. After a while of paused, he continued his walked to somewhere that his feet lead to. 'Maybe a department store for the presents,' as he thought.

While he wanted to take a turn on the right junction; into another pathway, suddenly he nearly knocked onto someone. He tried to balanced himself from falling backward as result on attempted to avoid the unexpected collision. But somehow, he still managed to drop himself on the bricked ground. His butt definetely felt somewhat stung as he hissed a little bit while tried to get up.

"Urmm... Sir... I'm so sorry, sir. I am quite in a rush.... Err... Let me.. Let me help you, sir," a soft but panicking voice slam onto his eardrums. Somehow quite..... familiar?? A hand wrapped with fluffy grey glove reach for him.

He raised his head up. Then when his eyes immedietely make a contact with a golden-pinkish eyes as his hand slowly interlock with the smaller figured hand. His glassy eyes never lose a glance from the little one's face as she looked like struggling to help somewhat stunned Tsubasa to stand up on his feet.

"Name.....," he suddenly blurted out unconsciously.

"Eh?" the large-spectacled lady with a gray winter earmuff that matched with her gloves paused from her mumbled apologises. Some of her grown pink bangs nearly covered up some part of her eyes.She blinked in confused before acknowledge the question that heard more like a statement to her. She somewhat fluttered for no reason.

"Oh, ya! My name is Haruhi Takeshi. Nice to meet you," she slightly bowed shyly. Her short silk-pink and wavy hair got slightly fluttering because of the cold wind that blowed gently on their skin.

"Haru-hi.....," while Tsubasa was unconsciously gasping under his breath, the small lady suddenly looks triggered; liked she had forgetting something. She then quickly checked the time on her wristwatch.

"I'm sorry, sir... I truly am... But I really have to go now.... ermm... Hope you have a faithful day, sir," she bowed quickly for the last time before sprinted away, and before he could gave any replies. Exactly after the young lady lost from his sight, he had noticed a card and a printed paper on the snowy walk.

'Maybe she doesn't noticed that she dropped it from the overloaded paper file...,' Tsubasa carefully picked up those belonging as he examine the card in silence.

A bussiness card of.... one of his company's branches....?

He averted his attention to the paper, and give a quick throughout examination to it. An interview-notice letter.

TO: Haruhi Mayu TAKEDA

Shota's Industries & Co.


Your resume had truly been considered. Our company would like to give you a proper interview as a requirement before we decided to make an official invitation for you to be welcomed into our company. Please kindly register yourself as the one of the interview candidates based on the date stated below. Any unclear information you can contact the company's office number at the bottom of this letter or check on our official website. We.........

'Hmm... The due date is today...,' he carefully folded the white sheet into a smaller size and slided it together with the card into the inner pocket of his coat.

The snow still falling gracefuly and caked the road with it. But... the day began to felt quite warmer as the sun shines brightly.

'I'm really looking forward for our next interaction.... Haruhi-san.....,' Tsubasa smiled softly as he continued his journey while both of his hands rested comfortly in his pockets. The snowy path continuosly got printed by his footprints and also the crowd.


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