Chapter 5

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Jack's shoulders burned, his tendons almost stretched to breaking. His stamina was wearing thin and exhaustion was beginning to take its toll. He was swept and buffeted on freezing winds, sometimes barely missing the cliffs and icy peaks of the Giant's Teeth, causing him to flap wildly to avoid a terrible crash.

Got to keep on going! He thought repeatedly, the small leather pouch gripped firmly in one fore paw.I must not sleep. If I sleep then I will die.

He had been on the wing since the previous morning, almost two days now without rest or sleep; the urgency of his quest spurring him beyond normal endurance limits.

He climbed into the dark, snow-laden clouds, then swooped down into the next glacier-cut valley, each peak harder than the last. It seemed that the Giant's teeth went on forever.

Despair was growing with his weariness, fatigue and lethargy clouded his mind and with his one last sensible thought he sent out a shout; a cry for help.

"Dragons! Help me!" he began to weep. "Lupin! I cannot ... do this..."

The water froze on his horned snout; the shining, black ice of Dragon's tears. Then through blurry eyes he saw the light, a bright, shining flame in the snowy darkness. Then another, brief and bright, growing in luminosity. A chorus of deep, booming voices surrounded him, spurring him on.

"Fly on, brave Brother!"

"Let our flames guide you, young one."

"Danu! Aid this young Dragon, I pray you."

Three huge shapes swooped out of the darkness, bright flames spouting into the night. "Set you down, young one. You have made it through the Teeth."

Jack's mind was muddled, and he almost forgot he was in his Dragon shape, yet the three guided him gently down. Must be hallucinating, he thought sleepily, for the ground felt soft and warm. Moments later he collapsed into a heap, barely able to lift his wingtips. Then he fell into the deepest sleep he had ever needed.

Jack awoke slowly and stretched sore muscles, blinking in the bright morning sunshine. He lay on a bed of soft, green moss, and after his eyes adjusted to the sunlight, he was amazed when he realised that he was sitting in a clearing in a forest, ringed on the south side by towering mountains, capped with snow. He was further astounded when he discovered the thick dark hairs that now coated his body and limbs. It appeared that he had aged several years over the last few days. Lupin's explanation of the Changeling ways echoed through his memory. Jack stood and dressed, Lupin's clothes now fitting perfectly. Instinctively he reached up and felt his face. A soft, fuzzy beard grew on his cheeks and neck, and it itched furiously. His brown hair now hung in long locks halfway down to his waist. He tied it back from his face with a leather lace from his pack and hefted it onto his, now broad, back.

Suddenly his attention was snatched by a huge, golden Dragon swooping, screeching from the clouds, directly at the clearing.

Panic gripped him momentarily, but he decided to try and show no fear and stand his ground. It swept down, mighty claws outstretched. Then at the last moment its huge, leathery wings beat a mighty downdraft. The trees swayed in the roaring winds, losing some of their leaves. Jack staggered slightly but remained nearly motionless. The ground shook as the creature landed heavily, a long neck swung down and a mouthful of terrible razor teeth snapped the air, barely an arms length away.

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