Chapter 13

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Jack and Ulfner emerged into a world of dark twilight; no stars lit the sky, just an oppressive, black blanket of nothing.

"Welcome to the Netherworld, Jack," said Ulfner.

"The Netherworld? Isn't this where the Demons are imprisoned?" Jack asked warily, casting a glance over his shoulder. Then it dawned on him that they stood upon a flat, featureless plain, not the tower of rock he expected. Suddenly a deep boom shook the air, making Jack leap in fright.

"That's them. The Demon horde are continually testing the Binding; seeking a way back to the world of the living. They are so close that they can almost taste it," Ulfner explained.

Another boom sounded, followed closely by a distant flash of light. It lit up a small square building in the distance before the darkness swallowed it again.

Ulfner reached into the folds of his robe and produced a small silver orb, which he proceeded to toss into the air. The ball hung in midair, above his head, then burst into light.

Jack squinted in the brightness and stumbled backwards quickly, as the shadows receded to reveal dozens of black Demons; a misshapen, writhing rabble of vicious faces full of teeth and eyes, with twisted limbs that invariably ended in a claw or hook.

Jack leapt closer to Ulfner and twisted a quick full circle, realising that they were completely surrounded. The Demons were edging slowly forwards into the bright pool of radiance.

Ulfner seemed to chuckle gleefully to himself and he turned to Jack with a strange look in his colourful eyes. "Now might be a good time to draw the weapon, Jack."

"Sword," said Jack, quickly. The weapon sprang into his hand from nowhere, but it now burned with a bright flame of the purest white. Jack's sword arm twitched and trembled, the weapon buzzing, almost alive in his grip. A bizarre feeling of joy coursed through his body; it seemed that the sword was delighted to be drawn.

"Staff," Ulfner boomed. A long weapon appeared in his meaty fists, tipped on each end with a ball of green flames.

Suddenly with a screeching war cry, Ulfner plunged into the mass of Demons, his staff a whirling, green circle of destruction. More screeches sounded, but these were the pained cries of the injured monsters. Without thinking, Jack leapt after him, his sword whistling a keening cry of its own. Time slowed as Jack performed a dance of death among the creatures; hacking and slashing; chopping and cleaving.

He was amazed to find that the Demons melted before him, shrinking back from the bite of his bright blade. A fierce joy coursed though his veins and he seemed to slip into a trance, fighting automatically, unaware of the hideous din or the terrible stench.

Jack was sliced with various superficial wounds, it was not till one beast he had cut down, managed to sink its fangs into his calf, that he actually felt any pain.

Then he fell.

"Shield," he managed before a small Demon leapt, with four arms raking the armoured surface in a fearsome frenzy.

"Spear," Jack cried, thrusting the point into the gaping maw of the Demon.

Ulfner raised a silver horn to his lips and blew a single, clear note, which was answered instantly by a chorus of notes, ringing in from various directions. The battle stalled as ten huge, glowing figures appeared, forming a circle around the Demons

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