Chapter 20

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The Goddess turned her stony gaze on the approaching Demons, lifting one mighty arm of rock and lightning.

"Stop," Danu's voice thundered.

Instantly the Demons froze, transforming into a sea of dark statues in the moonlight.

A hush descended upon the world and every living thing listened as she spoke in a slow, sad voice.

"These are terrible times; Demons once again sweep my lands with impunity, whilst man has abandoned their fellow man, in this their darkest of hours. But these times will they always pass, and balance will be restored," her glowing eyes flashed brighter as she continued. "From this moment,and forever more, you Demons will enter the circle of life. You will live and die and be reborn, without the dark influences that taints and devours life."

With a flick of her rocky wrist, a huge flash lit the night and a visible darkness rose from the still monsters. It hovered, a swirling cloud of evil magic, before dissipating on the cleansing wind. Danu turned slowly and looked down upon the defenders and the line of Angels.

"I will not destroy these Demons for you, humans. The balance must be restored by your own hand. Do not fear them overly, for their powers of possession have been dispelled, but do not forget that their physical strength and skills still remain."

The Angels rose, spreading their wings wide, sheathing their weapons in unison.

Her tone softened slightly as she reached down and swept her glowing hand along the Angel's wing-tips. "My Angels, you shall aid these humans in their struggle against these creatures of darkness, till the Sun's light spills across this field. Only then you shall rejoin me in the astral realms; whatever the outcome of this night."

For the first time since the Netherworld was created, the grim Angel Michael smiled.

Then the Goddess turned her hot gaze on Jack.

"Jack the Changeling and Ulfner Darkbane, two champions in one small frame. Approach me, Jack."

Jack crossed the field, passing between Metatron and Gabriel, stopping before the Goddess, his heart racing.

Danu held out her left palm and spat a ball of light into her huge hand. She mixed it with earth, and then formed it into a crude, clay golem. Then she reached down and swept Jack up in her right hand, lifting him to her incandescent face, inhaling deeply. "Farewell, Jack," Ulfner's voice faded in his mind.

Slowly, the green runes faded from the bone armour and Jack could feel Ulfner's soul moving, leaving him feeling strangely empty inside. Then she exhaled over the creation in her other hand; the green runes appearing slowly in the twitching clay. A ball of light formed around the figure, which quickly faded to reveal Ulfner Darkbane remade and alive; resplendent in shining armour and sporting aglowing pair of golden wings.

She lowered him to the ground and placed Jack at his side.

"Ulfner, join your Angels."

Ulfner bowed low, gave Jack a nod and promptly marched back to the lines.

Danu gazed at Jack; swirling tingles of energy circulated from his skull, down his spine, and a feeling of warmth and gratitude filled him.

"Jack, from this day forth the change will not be detrimental to your health, or that of your family."

"My family?" Jack could sense her benevolent smile.

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