Chapter 16

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Jack stood and slowly reached for the armour, his mouth was dry and he wished that he could quench the thirst. As his fingertip touched the breastplate, the armour leapt upon him. This time he did not fight it and in moments he was encased and rejoined with Ulfner.

"Thank you for being swift, Jack," Ulfner's grateful voice echoed in his head. "Now we must take these Angels home."

Metatron smiled, as if hearing the voice.

As one, the Angels sheathed their weapons, joining hands in a giant chain. Jack took a deep breath as Michael and Metatron lightly placed a huge hand on each shoulder, gripping them gently and completing the circle.

Jack reached up, gripping the glowing orb. Instantly the room dissolved into a bright white nothingness. All around him he could hear the cries of laughter and joy from the Angels. It took all his will to keep hold of the sphere, as he felt himself being swept through the light.


In a flash he stood in the ruined altar room, half filled with rubble and debris from the collapsed ceiling. Metatron looked at the partially blocked stairway and nodded.

Jophiel, Raziel and Uriel leapt into action, attacking and smashing the boulders furiously with huge hammers of light. The intensity of their actions startled Jack, who tried to remain impassive.

Ulfner laughed inside him.

"Jack, these Angels do nothing by half measures. They will clear that stairwell in no time."

Metatron frowned, inhaling deeply, then licking his red lips, as if he was tasting the air. He gripped the hilt of his sword, till his knuckles whitened, and he fairly shook with rage.

"Many have crossed!" his voice boomed angrily. "And only one more part of the Mighty Bind holds the rest at bay."

Jack could feel Ulfner's immediate concern, as his body surrendered to the Darkbane's presence.

"Where, Metatron?" Ulfner asked urgently, with Jack's voice.

Metatron closed his eyes, concentrating. The hammering angels ceased their toil in anticipation of his reply.

"Not far...south and west. In the deep woods, beyond the Giant's Teeth. But I fear the worst, for they have the final bind, and are set to break it soon."

Jack felt his stomach tighten and skin tremble, as Ulfner's anger grew; the Demons were now desecrating the earth again and his Goddess would feel the pain of their presence.

The Angels redoubled their efforts and soon the passage was clear, and they were ready to ascend. Metatron turned to Jack, bowing low, reaching down and offering his hand.

"Master, may I carry you? Time is of the essence, and I fear we will need to be swift." Jack stepped forwards and the large, red hand closed gently around his waist. Then he has hoisted easily onto one broad shoulder.

The Angels started to climb the stair, taking the large steps, three at a time, jogging in complete silence.

After a short while Ulfner whispered in his head, "Jack, when we near the surface, have Metatron set you down. We shall lead the Angels. You should find it an easy run; the armour will help energise you. After all, it is only fitting that the Chosen one precedes the Angels, but remember this one thing: Stand well back, and let the Angels free the Dragons. Do not interfere with this in any way; for it is a time of tremendous importance for the Dragons and Angels alike."

Jack nodded, inwardly glad of the advice. Suddenly a deafening roar shook the stairwell, followed by another, then an almost continuous cacophony of sound echoed down the stairs.

"Set me down please, Metatron." Jack shouted out over the din. The Angels stopped on the steps, eagerly awaiting the command to proceed.

"I will lead the rest of the way. We shall soon reach the surface, and when we do, you shall free the Dragons." Jack tried to sound commanding.

Jack was a bit startled when Metatron burst into wild laughter. He bent double and practically roared, tears of mirth running freely down his red face.

"Master! We are the Dragons!" Most of the Angels joined in with the joke, but Michael stood silently, grim as usual.

Jack was confused. We are the Dragons? he thought to himself.

"Lead on, Jack." Ulfner's voice chuckled in his head.

"Follow," he called, taking the lead, running up the deep, wide steps.

The Angels followed at a respectful distance. Jack was a little annoyed that some of them were still laughing behind him.


The roaring Dragons fell instantly silent, as Jack emerged into a black night of buffeting winds and freezing rain. He stepped aside as Metatron emerged, followed closely by Michael and the rest of the large Angels.

They formed a semicircle around Metatron as he silently faced the similar arc of Dragons. Red stomped forwards and roared his joy into the storm. Metatron ran to meet him in the middle of the circle and embraced the Dragon with his huge arms.

The air around them shimmered and began to glow a deep red.

Metatron and the red Dragon melted into each other; two becoming one in a fantastic transformation. The true Angel now stood slightly smaller than before, but now Metatron was dazzlingly beautiful to behold; a flowing mane of gold fell to his broad shoulders; a smooth, noble brow topped eyes of glowing red,above a straight nose and strong jaw.

Now a pair of brilliant red. feathered wings folded across his broad back, and his battered plate armour was replaced with a shimmering chain-mail of luminous silver and he carried a magnificent, winged helmet, resembling a golden Dragon.

Jack gaped from the shadows, in awe of the spectacle being played out before him, as one by one, each Angel was reunited with their Dragon.

Each Angel had identical armour and weapons, but their colourful wings separated them. He could feel Ulfner's pride at seeing the Angels finally whole again, and he was not surprised to discover that Zadkiel was twinned with the aggressive, golden Dragon, seeing now, the similarities in each.

"Go Jack, lead them into battle." Ulfner urged. "By the Goddess! I wish that I could join you!"

"Can I change into a Dragon whilst wearing this armour?" Jack asked. "The bones will form any shape you need, Jack. So come on! There are Demons loose in this world!"

Ulfner's excitement was infectious.

Jack leapt up and the Angels gathered close.

An air of tranquillity settled on the eyrie and the winds dropped away as he was surrounded by a rainbow of wings. "We must go south, to the city of Ness. There are many people there. That this is where we will stand against these Demons." Jack readied himself for the change. Metatron gave him a dazzling, toothy smile.

"Master, I vow that we will not merely stand with you against them; we shall help you smite them from this world... forever."

Changelings Book1 Dragons & DemonsWhere stories live. Discover now