Chapter 21

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Jack writhed on the blood soaked earth; overtaken by the change.

Around him a strange trio of sentries stood firm in the raging tide of battle: a bear, a wolf and a grim-faced girl.

Any Demon that dared come within range of the blade, tooth or claw, was hacked and torn, limb-fromlimb, in their combined defence.


The human defenders were almost overwhelmed by the surging Demons, but the archers loosed the last of their arrows and leapt from the walls, drawing their swords and rushing to bolster the wavering defenders.

Suddenly a widening circle of space appeared amid the chaos of the battlefield, as Jack rose in his full Dragon form, wings spread to the maximum, roaring thunderously.

The Demons scattered as Jack loosed a rolling ball of flame into the main body of the advancing horde.

The battle ceased momentarily, as every eye turned on him.

The sky was cloaked with billowing smoke and swirling sparks from the burning Demons. Jack lashed out with every weapon he had been blessed with. He roared with joy, and rage in equal measure, luxuriating in his power, as he swiped dozens with his barbed tail.

He rose to full height as several Demons tried to leap upon his back.

These he picked off easily with his teeth, giving them a crunch before tossing them far, with a flick of his serpentine neck. Dozens more perished under his foot and claw, before he took to the air, swooping high and circling the field.

A dreadful sinking feeling filled his several dragonish stomachs as the enormity of the task they faced became apparent; countless thousands still flooded onto the field, all bent on the destruction of every living thing.

From his high vantage point and with his perfect night vision, Jack easily picked out Belthor, Lupin and the girl, fighting their way back towards the city.

My family, he thought desperately, diving to their aid.

He raked the ground at high speed, his razor talons tearing and ripping a pathway through the pressing mass of Demons, before he swooped back into the air, roaring with exhilaration.

As he flew Jack could feel the seething hatred of the Demons, but he could also feel a new emotion radiating from them... fear.

Coming to a hover, Jack could see the first glimmering of light in the east and a desperate fear swept through him. "Jack!" Ulfner's voice boomed into his mind. Jack was suddenly aware that Ulfner and the Angels now surrounded him in a hovering circle of light. "Jack, our time here is short. Prepare yourself to receive our final gift."

Ulfner smiled, his twotone eyes glittering in the moonlight.

He flew close to Jack's huge, scaly head, placing a glowing hand upon his horned snout. Jack felt something begin to grow inside him, as one by one, each Angel placed a burning hand upon his scales. His breathing slowed and deepened, as his awareness expanded.

He felt a tremendous power flowing through his veins, each heartbeat intensifying the surging energy. His bones seemed to vibrate and twist under his thick skin, till Jack thought he would explode. Then in one continuous exhalation, he poured liquid flame into an immense, floating fireball.

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