Chapter 15

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The sun was setting as a dark storm rolled over the city of Ness.

In the middle of the rowan circle, Krangresh the Demon lay very still; it lessened the burning pain from the silver chain that bound him securely. From his prone position he glared up in contempt at the silhouette of a single mage, standing watch behind a shield of magical totems, charms and talismans, carved into a stout, wooden palisade; hastily constructed atop the reinforced, but ancient, wall. The penultimate word of power had just shaken the world, and Krangresh knew that dozens of his brethren must now be roaming the earth, in a frantic search for a magic user to give them the last word.

That final word would break the ancient binding and release the remaining thousands of his kind.

Suddenly lightning lit the sky, and from the shadows, a figure rose up on the palisade, thin light glinting from a curved blade that slashed downwards viciously.

A rumbling crash of thunder drowned out the brief scream, as the mage perished.

Harry the Crow leapt from the wall, moving slowly towards the rowan circle.

He was burned terribly on his cheeks and forehead, and his good eye bulged madly.

"Come...closer," a soft hissing voice enticed him.

With a conscious effort Crow deliberately stopped at the edge of the circle. The Demon writhed on the ground, twisting to see the figure standing at the edge of its prison. The two stared at each other for moments before Crow reached out and grasped the rowan branch.

"You will use me, and we shall kill my enemy," Crow whispered, before adding, "... together."

The Demon's eyes narrowed as he realised what the man before him desired – revenge, pure and simple.

"Yes! Yes, free me and we shall release my brethren and you will experience the revenge you lust after," the Demon's eager voice rose in pitch and volume.

Crow pulled the rowan branch from the ground and snapped it, tossing it over his shoulder, before removing the remaining branches.

Krangresh began to struggle with renewed strength.

The silver chains began to smoke and sizzle against its skin. Crow stepped deliberately close and placed a leather, gloved hand on the monster's forehead, twisting it roughly sideways and pushing it heavily into the earth. Then he pulled the curved blade and rammed it into the Demon's eye socket, to the hilt.

The silver chain stopped smoking and the sizzle faded. A darkly glowing sphere shot from the Demon, into Crow's chest, knocking him backwards into the mud.

Krangresh lay there, inside the mind of a truly evil man.

Crow felt the presence of the Demon filling him with strength. He also felt his own control fading, and the steely grip of the Demon's consciousness forcing him to take the lesser role of a viewing passenger. He leapt agilely to his feet and Krangresh began to giggle.

He tittered and laughed like a madman, before leaping up over the wall, in a single bound.


In Lord Ness's keep, Lupin lay on the bed, face down, his wound wrapped in various ointment covered leaves. As he slept, a raven-haired warlock worked with energy around him.

His black robes flapping as he danced a complex ritual, weaving an intricate web of light and love. His energetic work balanced the dark taint on Lupin's aura with the white light of pure moon-power.

The bed was surrounded by various powerful objects of his art: a dark bladed dagger; a bell; a candle; a bowl of salt; a cluster of purple amethyst and a golden goblet.

But as his incantations were drawing to a whispered conclusion, the large bay window shattered inwards, showering the room with lethal shards of glass. The warlock reached for his dagger, crying out in alarm. Crow landed on the carpet, his boots crunching noisily. One huge, backhanded swipe, sent the man flying against the wall with a thud. Crow luxuriated in the

feelings of power flooding through his body. The Demon leant over the concussed man; sniffing for magic. Then he stood straight, as a far stronger scent reached his senses. The smell of magic was far stronger on the wounded man lying on the bed. Krangresh growled as he recognised the Changeling that had captured him. He stalked over and made to grab him, but recoiled in pain as the objects

of power burst into life, releasing their burning magical energies against him. Suddenly the door flew open and several guards froze in the doorway, crying out in horror at the sight of the infamous Crow bending over their Lordship's friend. Crow's head snapped up and his over-wide eye narrowed in rage. He hissed and bared his rotten teeth, cursing them for spoiling his fun. Before the

guards could react, he snatched the warlock under an, unnaturally strong, arm and leapt from the high window, vanishing into the night.

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