Chapter 7

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Jack stepped forward and nearly collapsed in a faint.

Red swiftly caught him in one clawed fist and lowered him gently to the ground.

Seconds later the green Dragon returned with a freshly slain deer dangling from its firm grip. Red ripped the carcass into pieces, nudging the bloody mess at Jack.

"Eat Chosen, regain your strength." He said.

Jack nearly vomited, the stench of the guts and entrails was over-powering. "I need my pack, it fell..."

Unbidden, the golden Dragon swooped onto the plateau with the somewhat tattered bag in his claws. He landed lightly and offered the small pack to him. Jack took it with thanks and after dressing, quickly drank from his water bottle and used his knife to cut some chunks from the unfortunate animal's haunch.

"Err..." he began hesitantly, "you couldn't cook this could you? You know a small flame."

Red gave a sharp intake of breath.

Jack cringed expecting the worst, but to his surprise the red Dragon blew a well controlled flame at the meat, chargrilling it in an instant.

Jack sat and devoured the food, crunching through the burnt skin, yet relishing every juicy mouthful. Soon his strength returned and the Dragons drew close as he made his way to the steps.

"May Danu guide your step, Chosen. May your return be swift and sure." Red spoke for all the Dragons, who lowered their heads in respect and anticipation.

Jack peered apprehensively into the oppressive gloom before taking the first of the deep, broad steps downwards. Strangely, a flow of cool, fresh air wafted from below on a slight breeze.

Down he went, the square of light above disappearing as the passage took a spiraling descent. Light seemed to filter through the veins of quartz that ran through the granite, not bright, but enough to see the next step or two as he steadily progressed. Wonder and confusion troubled Jack in equal measure as he stepped downwards.

Mere days ago he had been a simple thief, a cut-purse and low born orphan. Now he was the Chosen, a Changeling sent on an unbelievable mission. Not only that, he was now a man, a stranger in his own body.

I wonder where Lupin and the wolves are by now, he thought.

His thighs and calves began to burn and ache, unused to the seemingly endless steps in a never-ending corkscrew. His thoughts were like the stairway spiraling - as he lost himself in thought.

Jack stopped dead in his tracks as the steps ended, opening out into an enormous, octagonal room with a high, vaulted ceiling, supported by sixteen huge pillars equally spaced around a circular dais. His heart raced as he stood in the entrance, for suspended in mid-air appeared to be a skeleton of some strange creature. A soft, green glow radiated from the bones, reflecting in the glassy walls and casting deep shadows behind the pillars. Jack stepped slowly into the room, passing one of the huge pillars. The skeleton, Jack realised, was not really human, for the face was missing; it was a hollow dome of bone. The ribcage was solid, yet strangely segmented like an insect's chitinous shell, and covered with strange glowing, green runes, engraved deeply into the bone.

Suddenly it moved, the hollow head swiveled swiftly to face him. Jack's own skeleton almost leapt through his skin as he stumbled backwards cracking his elbow painfully on the polished pillar. A faint hiss sounded over his panicked breathing, and slowly the head returned to face the way it had moments before. Jack collapsed against the pillar, sliding down into a sitting position. He sat there till his heart settled and the cold sweat dried on his shaking hands.

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