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I turned face to face with this bitch as I squinted my eye. I wanted to throw up at her sight. I was just looking greed straight into the face.

" I'm offering nicely. Give me king and the money. I'll take good care of him " Jacy said before we entered the courtroom.

" Go to hell " I said as I opened the door and walked straight in. Peru was holding my two angels as I sat down at the table with my lawyer. My lawyer , Mrs.Rackley , smiled at me. I had to get rid of that old one.

Jacy smirked as the trial began. We stood up and did the justice pledge then sat. I started to began and my hands shook as I began looking at papers. My baby's life rest in the matters of these papers.

I rubbed my little bump as I stared at the papers. Jacy went up first telling all her lies and shit about how she was going to take care of him. Telling them how her family misses him and yada yada .

" Your Honor , if I could , Jacy Turner is a fraud and manipulative women. She was a former stripper and crackhead. King was in her care one time and she sold him " accidently " . She used to get high on alot of drugs and she claims that she got help. I checked every rehab in location and no one has had Jacy Turner. She could still be on this drug possibly. You can see her shaking in her seat. A blood test would be acceptable. This may be a money scheme so she could get my child , sell him and get high off more dope. I checked that my son King father , left him in my care. That is my son and I dare to let anybody take him from me " I said as I stared at the judge. I was looking her straight in the eye and she sighed. She banged the gavel on the counter.

" Wait , your honor there -" Jacy started up.

" Silence , a drug test may be made tomorrow and a couple days after that . We will see who gets some money and the most important thing , King . Case dismissed". The judge said and I clapped my hands. I hugged my lawyer and rushed to my kids as they hugged me.

I grabbed both of them by their hands and lead them to the car. I sighed as I stared at Peru. I put the kids in the backseat and strapped them up. Peru and I been doing alot of sexual activity ever since he got better. These pregnancy hormones I believe.

I sighed as I drove to their grandma's house. Kathy missed them and she wanted to see King for good luck. Peru got out and opened the door for them. I grabbed their bags once I put the car in park.

" Here , Kathy " I said as the children ran inside and I handed her the bags. She smiled as she touched my bump.

" I don't know much about that man. I just see the glow in your face that he is treating you good. I know it was my son's time to go and I accept you moving on. You always have been my favorite. I hope that baby looks just like you and that young fella over there " She said and I kissed her cheek as she grabbed the bags. I gave her a hug and waved goodbye as I got back in to the car.

I began to drive back to the house and Peru kept nudging my head. I swatted my hand at him and he did it again.

" Stop , bae " I said as he kept doing it. I was getting hella frustrated with his ass. I swatted him away as he started tickling at my sides while I was driving. I punched him in the eye .

" I told you to stop. Damn ! " I said as I kept driving. He looked at me and smirked. Once we reached home , I was quick in the house. He followed me and I kept ignoring him.

I closed the door and locked it. He grabbed me but I pushed him . I was trying to rush up the stairs but I hit my ankle on the rail.

" Owe " I said as I held it. Peru looked at me and shook his head. I looked at him with baby eyes as he looked at my ankle. He pressed pressure on it and popped it in place.

" I'm sorry " I said and I got up to hug him. He smacked me hard on the butt and I screeched.

" Stop with that attitude shit " He said and I shook my head up and down on his shoulder. My ankle was hurting like fuck. He took me up to the room and got a bag of ice. He placed it on there and that shit felt good.

" Maybe i need surgery" I said as I felt on it.

" Nahh " Peru said as he took it off and felt on it. He walked out and I pulled out my phone.

Eme : So what was popping?

Riri: I think I'm going to keep him.

Eme: You is. Ain no damn way the law gone give that to a crack addict unless she was white.

Riri: Lol , so racist.

Eme : Not racist but awoken. If she wasnt latino as soon as she walked in there the whole case wouldve been dismissed.

Riri : You ain lied .

Emerald Pov

" Matise " I said as she started chewing on my hair. I sighed as I snatched her away from my hair. She shot me this little face of disgust from the hair products. She crawled on me and smiled .

I smiled back at her as I rubbed her tiny afro. I was on the computer doing my work for my job and she was just being a baby. She's five months and the grownest child ever.

" Ma " She said as I continued typing on the computer with her in my lap. She learned how to say Ma or if she takes her time its , Mama. She loves me alot and I can't see myself without her.

" Ma " she said making herself jump and she turned around. She smiled at me and laughed while I looked down. She grabbed my hair and started swinging on it.

" Matise , that hurts " I said as I typed the last couple words and took her hands off my hair. She laughed as she watched as I was doing. She wanted some attention. I always give her as much attention as I can and then I leave her on the floor for one minute and she's trying to crawl my way.

She can crawl pretty good to be five months going on to six. I saved my work and shut down the computer. She loves my natural afro and she loves the texture.

" Ahh Baba MaMa " She said as I smuggled her face with kisses causing her to smile. She gripped my face and put kisses on it also.

" Hey Matise ! " Dud said as he came through the door and picked up his daughter. She smiled and started moving her legs up and down. I rolled my eyes. She's still a mommy's girl. Dud hasn't been here for a month and if I was Matise , I would slob on him.

" Hey Eme " He said as he gave me a kiss on the forehead.

" Where the fuck have you been ? " I asked ignoring his greeting.

" Doing buisness shit " He said as he bounced Matise in his lap. He looked at me and I causally slapped him straight in his face. I grabbed Matise and got up. I walked to the kitchen and got her bottle out the incubator. I gave it to her and she went to sipping on it as it was her last meal. I put her in the swing and Dud came up behind me.

" Why you hit me ? What the fuck I look like ma ? A fucking play toy ?" He said as he held my wrist tight and I tried to loosen his grip.

" Let me go " I shouted as I punched him in the jaw and he backed me up against the wall. He held my wrist and I stared in his eyes. It was this dark color as he held this calm expression.

He started to twist my wrist and I started to groan. He kissed my neck and I moved my head. He started kissing my upper body and I tried to loosen my grip once again. He kissed me in the mouth slipping in his tongue and I moved my head.

It wasn't like I didn't like it because his tongue can do some things. I snatched out his hold and grabbed Matise. I walked into the room and slammed the door.

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