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After a week of wearing those stupid bracelets I decided to change. The green one seemed to repel Tyler and his friends, while the red one repelled Brock and his friends. Tori had tried many times to make me get rid of them, which eventually I decided to listen to her. I took them off my wrists and kept them in my bag. Tori wasn't satisfied though. I was going to confront Tyler about what was happening, even though my anxiety filled self would hate it. I was going to talk to him after class. I planned out what I would say, word for word, reciting it in my head. I could only hope that I didn't mess up, or make him hate me. I wanted to wear the bracelets as well, on my wrists where I could shove them in his face. No more playing around.


I left class hastily, brushing past Brian and other classmates in my rush. I walked out the door and past the car park, making it to the grassy pathway. I looked around for them, but they weren't there. Nobody was. I walked up to the tree slowly, where they would always stand. Why would they just disappear? I put one hand on the bark, sighing. What now? I asked myself, looking at the floor. "What are you doing?" A voice asked from behind me. I turned around and who else would be stood behind me than Tyler. I couldn't speak at first, like a cat had my tongue. "Uh...?"
"We need to talk." I demanded quickly, interrupting the silence. He folded his arms, leaning back on thin air. I raised my arm to show him the bracelets when he suddenly stepped backwards. His arms unfolded and his eyebrows raised.

"Keep your distance." He hissed. I tore the bracelets off of my arm.
"E-explain to me what's up with these things! Why are you avoiding me now? Why do people not like these, b-but then force me to wear them!" I ranted for a little while longer, spitting out whatever came to my mind. Tyler didn't say anything, and let me speak. He kept a plain expression, not letting me know if what I was telling him was processing. Eventually my mouth was slapped shut by someone from behind me. Tyler stayed where he was, looking a little on the defensive side. He hissed at the person behind me, which I turned around to see was Tori. "What are you-?" She got another hand on my mouth while the other grabbed my arm. She pulled me towards her, dragging me along. She then grabbed my hand that was holding the bracelets, shaking it until I dropped them. "Tori!" I shouted, trying to get her attention. She kicked the bracelets away from me, skipping the floor until they were in front of Tyler's feet. He stepped back from them.

"We're leaving. Now." She hissed in my ear, grabbing my arms and putting them behind my back. She turned me around and pushed me along like I was a prisoner. I took one last look at Tyler, who was almost as dumbfounded as me. She pushed me all the way inside then pulled open the nearest janitor's closet. She pushed me in with her foot, then entering herself. She shut the door behind us and flicked the lights on.
"Tori what the fuck are you doing!?" I whisper-shouted. She was too busy messing around with the janitor cart to reply. She opened up a certain compartment, revealing sets of keys. She picked up one of them and shoved it into the door, locking it. "TORI!" I shouted, herself finally turning around to face me.
"You have questions, I have answers." She replied plainly. "But if I'm going to tell you, you have to promise me some things."

"What am I a child?" I complained, rolling my eyes.
"Craig I'm serious. Are you fucking listening to me?" She hit my arm, making me groan. I rubbed it, finally looking at her. "You don't tell anyone about this, and you don't freak out." She stared at me, looking right in to my eyes. She was serious.
"Alright. I promise." I replied, inwardly sighing. She took a breath.
"Okay. This isn't easy to explain." She began, looking around the room.
"How hard can it be?" I said sarcastically, earning another hit. "Fuck..." I complained.
"Well. Me, and Tyler, and all his friends. Aren't normal."
"They're jocks, I get it."
"No. We aren't human."
"Then what are you?"

"We're Vampires." She said.
"What." I didn't really know what to say. Who would? "W-what about Tyler's friends? You called them-."
"Vanoss?" She finished my sentence. I nodded, swallowing hard. "There's different kinds of us. Lawful Vampires, like me, follow the rules and do whatever we can to protect our kind. Vanoss vampires are cocky and they will do anything to protect themselves. Then there's Cryaotic, chaotic and do anything they want regardless of the consequences." I forgot most of it as she spoke. Vampires...
"So what's Brock? And Brian?" I asked, twiddling my thumbs. She breathed in sharply through gritted teeth, obviously not liking my question.
"They aren't Vampires. They're werewolves."
"I... Wha...?" Was all I could mumble out. "T-there's more?"
"Well duh. There's a lot of us."

"The bracelets were different things. The green one was laced with something that deters Vampires. Brock gave it to you to try and get rid of us Vampires. Whoever gave you the red one was a Vampire, because it was laced with something that deters werewolves." She told me in a calming voice.
"Why would they give me them anyway? Why are you telling me all this?"
"Because you're different Craig, you're-."
"This is all a joke right? You're kidding me?" I interrupted, finally coming to realisation. She raised her eyebrows, her hands following.
"Craig, no..." She mumbled calmly. I stood up from my place on the floor, trying to get to the door. She also stood, blocking my way.
"Let me go, I've had enough of this." I demanded, trying to get around her.

Hey eyes flickered red, dilating into thin slits. "I didn't want to do this." She said in a low warning voice. Her eyes returned to normal as she gave a nod to someone behind me. Before I could turn around I was grabbed by the neck and a cloth was placed around my mouth. I tried my best not to inhale, but I had already taken a breath in from shock. I felt light headed and couldn't stand. My knees weakened and I fell to the floor, my eyes shutting on Tori's blank expression.


Hope you guys like the new covers <3
I drew them myself heheh.

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