Gerard's POV
I was so scared, I didn't know she self harms, the orphanage person asked me to carry Cj out and into the nurses.
"No! What she needs is a hospital the nurse won't do anything!!" I yelled at the orphanage person who now I know the name of, Ms Nelson.
" Fine you can go ahead and call 911 I'll be in my office."
"What the fuck?!" Why wouldn't she help me with this? I quickly pulled out my phone and called 911 and they said that they would be over as fast as they can. I ran into the bathroom and got a towel, the only color I could find was white but it doesn't matter. I pressed the towel on her arm to stop the bleeding. She's loosing more and more blood, I pressed harder, the blood staining the white towel. It started to stop. Finally. The ambulance was here. They took her away and left me there. I was shaking when I went back inside and I went to Ms Nelsons office. I got the papers to adopt Cj and I filled them out.
"You can go and get her stuff make sure to get those disgusting posters off the walls too."
"Okay." I mumbled glaring at her and walking away. I went up to her room and opened the door. There was dried blood on the hardware floor and when I looked up I saw posters of My Chemical Romance on the walls. She must know who I am then...I started taking those down and then I walked over to the dresser and got out her clothes most of them being My Chemical Romance and then the rest plain black. I put them in the suitcase. Anything else? I looked around, under the pillow I found her iPod and earbuds. She didn't have much so I got her suitcase and left to go home. As soon I told Lindsey that Cj self harms, she started crying. After I finish telling her she said to go to the hospital to see her. So that's what I'm doing, going to the hospital.
Mk's POV
I wasn't sad to leave the orphanage but I was sad to leave Cj but I was trying to push that out of my mind.
"So what other music do you listen to?" Brendon asked.
"Oh just Panic! At The Disco. That's all."
"Oh well what's your favorite song?"
"This Is Gospel."
"I see." He said as he put This Is Gospel on." We started singing along. It was amazing. I'm so lucky. I wonder what Cj's doing? No, no I'm not going to think of Cj. We got to their house, it was freaking huge! I got out and Brendon was getting my suitcase.
"You can go inside." He said while heaving my suitcase out of the trunk.
"YAY." I screamed as I ran to the house. I opened the door. "Hello?" I said uncertain.
"Hey you must be Mk, I'm Sarah nice to meet you."
"You too." I said smiling, she was nice.
"So I can show you your new room if you want."
"Yes, please." I followed her up the stairs into a plain white room but it was huge.
"This is it but we can paint it whatever color you want and get you a lot of cool things."
"Thanks so much." I said hugging her. She hugged me back.
"No problem sweetie now where's Brendon with your suitcase?" She and I poked our head out of the room to see Brendon at the bottom of the stairs trying to get the suitcase up the stairs. What? I had a lot of stuff. When he got it up the stairs he brought into my new room and set it down in the middle of the room.
"Thank you." I said beaming at him.
"Anytime." He said giving me a smile. "I'll leave you to unpack." He said as he left the room with Sarah. I started unpacking and putting things where I think they should go. I put the clothes in the closet and in the dresser my underwear and everything like that. I flopped down on the bed which in case I didn't mention had black covers and red sheets. It was awesome. I decided to go downstairs only to find Brendon and Sarah kissing.
"MY EYES!" I screamed and ran back upstairs. I didn't really care that they were kissing I just wanted to joke around. I heard them laughing and then silence must've went back to kissing. I wonder what Cj's doing. I texted her. No answer, I hope she isn't getting bullied. She has a history of that, always talking back, it always ends badly. After a while I was starting to get worried. What if she got hurt and people are being mean to her? Okay calm down. I always overreact, she's probably sleeping, she sleeps a lot... I wonder why. Now that I come to think of it she does a lot of things like that. Like she never takes her bracelets off in front of me, she always waits until I'm in my bed and she's in hers then she takes them off and hides under the covers. She always goes silent when people ask her about her bracelets. Since I was thinking so much I must've drifted off to sleep because I was awoken by Brendon gently shaking me.
"Hey sweetie, do you know who Gerard Way is?"
"Yeah my friend always talks about him, why?"
"Well I'm friends with him and he was also adopting someone in the same orphanage. But something happened."
"Who was it and what happened?"
"Do you know a girl named Cj?" I froze, what the fuck happened to her?
"Yes, what happened?" I asked panicked.
"Are you okay? You look pale."
"I'm fine tell me what happened."
"Well she ended up in the hospital but Gerard never told me why she was there but she was muttering your name. Since she was in the same orphanage I thought you would want to go see her." I got up quickly.
"Yeah hurry lets go." I ran out the room not bothering to get my phone. I ran out the door and got in the car. Brendon hurried and got in the car too. We drove and drove for what seemed like hours. When we finally got there I pushed the door to the hospital and quickly ran up to the counter where a lady with blond hair looked at me.
"I'm here to see Cj Way."
"She's in room 251." I didn't bother thanking her I grabbed Brendon's hand and ran towards the room. We got to the door and I braced myself for what I was about to walk into. I looked at Brendon for reassurance. He nodded and I opened the door. I first saw Gerard on his phone in the corner he looked up. He got up.
"You must be Mk." He said smiling.
"Yeah um, is she okay?"
"Yeah the doctors said she will be fine." I let out a sigh of relief. Thank God. I walked over to Cj who was sleeping and saw she had stitches on her arm.
"What happened?"
"You didn't know that she self harmed?" Gerard asked
"No." I mumbled tears starting to form in my eyes. It all started to make sense, that's why she wore those bracelets all the time. But how could she hurt herself like that? I had no idea. Cj mumbled something in her sleep. I looked at Brendon and Gerard who were standing the corner talking. I looked back to Cj. Tears started dropping. No one noticed I didn't care though I only care about Cj. Suddenly Cj started thrashing on her sleep it looked uncontrollable. I stepped back quickly and looked at Brendon and Gerard.
"NURSE!" Gerard screamed. The nurses came in and gave Cj a shot and then as suddenly as she started, she stopped. Brendon was holding onto me.

Adopted by Brendon Urie and Gerard Way
FanfictionMk and Cj were put in the orphanage, Mk was found in a forest and taken to the orphanage. She loves Panic! At at the Disco and doesn't like pants. Cj however, had an alcoholic mother who killed herself soon after Cj was born. Her father, also an alc...