Cj's POV
All I saw was blackness, everywhere. I frantically looked around for a hint of a light. It was like I was in a tunnel trying to find the light at the end, but in this tunnel...there was no end.
Suddenly I dropped, like a rock to the bottom of the ocean I screamed and cried out for help but there was no one, heck, there wasn't even a thing here. It felt like I was hung there for hours, falling and falling. I have to be nearing the end somewhere. I stopped, in mid air, suddenly there was a car..the same one that hit me.
I bolted up in bed breathing heavily and sweating....a lot. I quickly looked around for sign of life. I was in a hospital. I got hit by a car. I remember now.
I wonder how long it's been, everyone must be worried. I felt a sudden pain in my body I climbed out of the warm bed and into the cold air. I need to see my family, I quickly pulled out the tubes and wires out of my body..probably pulled something important out, oh well. I opened the door and was stopped by a nurse who looked concerned.
"What are you doing?! Get back in bed!" The nurse shouted at me.
"I need to see my family!"
"They're in the waiting room" I quietly got back in bed and she put all the wires back in me.Zach came in looking guilty.
"What's wrong?" I asked worriedly, not caring about myself.
"I-I cheated..." he stuttered out.
"W-what?" I asked not sure if I heard him correctly.
"I just don't love you anymore, you're too hard to keep happy." Tears filled my eyes instantly I looked out the window trying to control them. "I'm not even sure if I did love you in the first place. I'm leaving with a girl named Dakota, the one that I actually love."
"Get out." I said quietly.
"What?" He asked as if he was innocent.
"I didn't want to be a dad anyway..." he added before leaving. I couldn't control the tears anymore, I cried and cried until I couldn't breath anymore. I must've cried myself to sleep because when I woke up Gerard was there.
"I heard what happened...I'm so sorry." I didn't start crying again, I've come to terms with it. He just silently went over to me and hugged me for a long time.
After a while he let go and went and got the twins.
The hardest part was explaining that their only dad, the one that they looked up to, was gone. And he wasn't coming back. I stayed at the hospital for a few weeks and when I got released I went home and found the Zach took all of his things. I decided since Zach was the one who was making all of the money that I needed to get a job, and fast.
I thought that since I always loved to write, I would give being an author a try. I wrote down some ideas for books in a tiny notebook. And closed it, sighing, looking into the distance. I thought about how Zach and I had so many good times together and how that was all an act and a lie...he never really loved me, he just used me.
The twins came in and snuggled close to me on the couch. I put my arms around them and held them close. "I love you guys." I whispered.
"We love you too mom, and if daddy hurt you I'm gonna hurt him!" Max smirked. I laughed at his angry little voice.
"I want to too." I chuckled.
"Are we going to have to move mommy?" Blake asked innocently. I hadn't even thought about that, we won't be able to afford this house with me just writing books. I thought about it for some time.
"I'm afraid so...mommy can't really afford this house."
"I don't mind!" Max spoke up. "That will be cool!" They left after a few minutes, leaving me to my thoughts. I then started to look at apartments online.

Adopted by Brendon Urie and Gerard Way
Hayran KurguMk and Cj were put in the orphanage, Mk was found in a forest and taken to the orphanage. She loves Panic! At at the Disco and doesn't like pants. Cj however, had an alcoholic mother who killed herself soon after Cj was born. Her father, also an alc...