Cj's POV
We were about half way through dinner when I got a text from Mk.
Mk: FaceTime ASAP.
Me: Is everything okay?
Mk: No just FaceTime quick
Me: Okay one sec"My best friend needs to FaceTime, it's girl stuff and she needs me." I told everyone.
"Okay take your time, we will just talk to Zach." Gerard said. I went to my room and facetimed Mk. When I facetimed her she was crying in her room.
"Hey, hey don't cry what's up?"
"My parents came and they tried to boss me around, after all these years they now start being parents. They're too stupid for their own good." Mk said in between sobs.
"It's okay just hang in there maybe you can come and visit."
"Okay I'm really sorry but Zach is here and I left him downstairs."
"Why didn't you tell me?! Go get some!"
"Also I got my first kiss, BYE!" I hung up before she could even answer. I went back downstairs and joined them at the dinner table. Gerard seemed okay with Zach kissing me, I think Gerard likes him.
"So I was thinking when do you want your first tattoo?" Lindsey said to me.
"Lindsey! She's only 17! She's not getting a tattoo!" Gerard said.
"Oh but I agree with her, I should get one, it will be awesome!" I said.
"When your 18." Gerard said after some arguing.
"Yay!" I said. After dinner I took Zach up to my room.
"The hospital let me go but I don't even have a place to stay." Zach said after a short silence.
"WHAT?!?!!!? I'LL BE BACK!" I yelled and ran downstairs to Gerard and Lindsey.
"Woah slow down there." Gerard said as I slid into the kitchen where they were making brownies.
"Is it okay if Zach stays with us for a while? He doesn't have anywhere to stay."
"Of course!" Gerard and Lindsey said in sync.
"Yay thank you!" I hugged them both and ran back upstairs.
"What were you doing?" Zach asked.
"Your staying here for a while." I said.
"Thank you!" He got up and hugged me. I'm still surprised he's hugging me. We pulled away and sat on my bed. We heard thumping up the stairs then my door opening. Gerard was standing there.
"I forgot to tell you, you can sleep in the guest room Zach."
"Okay Mr. Way."
"Please, call me Gerard." He said. Gerard closed the door and left.
At around 3 in the morning Zach went into the guest room. I laid in my bed but I couldn't go to sleep. I was only wearing a long shirt and no pants. I went into the guest room and crawled into bed with Zach. He didn't say anything but put a protective arm around my waist and pulled me in closer. I drifted off to sleep happily.
"Did you use condoms?!" I woke up to Gerard yelling.
"We didn't have sex." I said tiredly.
"Oh, remember always use condoms, unless you want a baby." Gerard said as he left. Zach yawned. I noticed that we had our legs intertwined and Zach still had his arm around me. I looked at him and he looked at me I smiled. He leaned in and kissed me.
"I love you." He said smiling.
"I love you too." I replied.
This was going to be a great day.

Adopted by Brendon Urie and Gerard Way
Fiksi PenggemarMk and Cj were put in the orphanage, Mk was found in a forest and taken to the orphanage. She loves Panic! At at the Disco and doesn't like pants. Cj however, had an alcoholic mother who killed herself soon after Cj was born. Her father, also an alc...