Face It. You're Never Going To Make It

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Cj's POV

I didn't have a bump yet but I don't know why I was excited to get one. I heard it was hard to sleep with one. I didn't know what to expect from pregnancy. But I was excited for it. I could tell Zach and everyone was really excited. Maybe even more excited than I was.

After the whole puking thing, I was glad it was over. But then it was mood swing time. Massive mood swings. And I mean massive.

"Babe can you get me some ice cream?" I asked politely.

"Sure baby." He replied walking into the kitchen. He came back with vanilla.


"God damn okay." He went into the kitchen and came back with chocolate sauce.

I started crying. "I just wanted chocolate I'm sorry."

"It's okay baby I understand."

I stopped crying suddenly. "LOOK SPONGEBOB IS ON!!!!" I said turning  to the TV and pointing.

After mood swings, next was cravings. I craved mash potatoes, and Mac n' cheese.

Seriously. All the freaking  time I think I cleaned out like 7 stores of mashed potatoes and Mac n' cheese.

Then it was back to mood swings and cravings after that, then it repeated itself over and over again.

After 2 months a little bump formed and I got so excited.  Then it started growing over time, but sadly I became less excited about the bump because it was so fucking hard to sleep with.

I was 7 1/2 months pregnant the doctor offered to tell us the gender of the baby a while ago but we wanted it to be a surprise. I was due for another doctors appointment today.

"You ready honey?" Zach asked me.

"Yeah." I said getting in the car. We got there and we went in.

"So how have you been, any unusual things happen?" The doctor asked.

"I'm good except for the fact I can't sleep well but no, no unusual things." I told him.

"We'll let's check out the babies." The doctor said glancing at Zach.

"Wait did you say babies?" I asked quickly.

"Yes I did, your having twins."

Adopted by Brendon Urie and Gerard WayWhere stories live. Discover now