I unpacked most of our stuff, we didn't have a lot because my ex husband was so kind and took most of it. The kids came running in shouting about some pretend game that they were playing.
"Woah slow down!"
"We smelled cookies!" Max laughed happily.
"You can have one, it's almost dinner time." I replied. They each took one and sat down on the couch, as we didn't have a table. "Where do you want to go for dinner?"
"Oh! McDonald's!" Yelled Blake.
"McDonald's? How about TacoBell?"
"Yeah!!" Max said with a huge smile on his face. We got some TacoBell and brought it back to the apartment. I looked in the bag realizing they gave us three extra tacos.
"You should give them to Lauren!!" Blake said. I laughed.
"Okay, I'll go get her." I meandered to her apartment. I knocked on the door softly. Lauren opened it. "Hi...so we went to TacoBell and they gave us three extra tacos..do you want them?" She giggled adorably.
"Yeah sure! Do you want me to come over?"
"Heck yeah!..(bad move) I mean sure." I replied awkwardly. We shuffled in silence back to my apartment.
When we finally reached it we went inside and we were greeted by the twins jumping on the couch.
"Hi guys!" Lauren smiled at them.
"LAUREN!" They yelled in unison. They jumped off the couch and hugged her.
We ate the tacos and talked about random things. Like our favorite bands and such.
"I really like My Chemical Romance, have you heard of them?" Lauren asked curiously. I failed to mention that the lead singer was my father.
"Uhm, actually the lead singers my dad..."
"Ha I wish." She giggled.
"I'm not joking." I smirked, holding back a laugh.
"WHAT???!" She yelled with her eyes as wide as they could go. I busted out laughing, and apparently the kids just thought it was hilarious. She blushed with embarrassment, and looked down shyly. It was so cute! I just wanted to pick her up right there and hold her in my arms.
"Well I think the kids should go to bed...it's getting late for them." I explained. I got the kids in bed and came back to a waiting Lauren on the couch.
"Um I was just wondering...areyoustraight?" She quickly said.
"Sorry, what?" She took a deep breath.
"Are you straight?" She nervously breathed out. I was shocked by the question, first of all, did she like me? Why was she asking me this? Was I bi or just straight?
"Well um recently I've been starting to question it..."
"Oh..well I should probably go, it getting late."
"Ok." I smiled. After she left thought about what she said. There was no doubting I had a crush on her, just from talking to her even once.
The next day was a Monday, after the kids got on the bus to school, they went to the same school they did before because it's not like we moved very far, I took a shower. I love to sing in the shower, its like no one can hear me except for me.
When I finally got out I put a flannel, red and black shirt on, black shorts, a choker, and a beanie. I still had to keep up the "emo" looking style even though I was a mom now, I did it for my own sanity, it was who I was and who I am. Clique, I know. I meandered into the living room, greeted by Gerard sitting on the couch, of course, I wasn't expecting it so I screamed and jumped back into the hall, causing Gerard to burst out laughing.
"Very funny." I rolled my eyes, sitting next to him.
"You have an amazing voice, I don't know why we never thought of giving you a record deal." I didn't really think about that, I mean he easily could but I don't think I'm good enough for that, even though that could help our financial situation.
"I'll think about it." I said mindlessly not realizing how sassy I sounded. Gee laughed. "Wait how did you get in?" I asked.
"Sweetheart, you left the door unlocked, anyone could have come in."
"Oh crap..." After sometime of silence I figured I should probably tell him about what I had been thinking about recently. "Um, there's something I actually wanted to talk to you about.
"Go ahead."
"Well I've been starting to question my sexuality..." I paused guessing that the silence that filled the room meant he wanted me to go on. "I think I'm bi sexual." He paused, taking in the information.
"Have you been thinking about this because of Lauren?"
"How did you know?" I asked with shock.
"Well she saw you moving in and I stopped to talk to her, she seems like a very sweet girl and I just figured you two had met already. You'd be crazy not to fall for her."
"But you're okay with it?"
"Of course! I love you no matter what." He hugged me. "And if you decide for the record deal, just call me."
"I will" I smiled looking off into the distance.

Adopted by Brendon Urie and Gerard Way
FanfictionMk and Cj were put in the orphanage, Mk was found in a forest and taken to the orphanage. She loves Panic! At at the Disco and doesn't like pants. Cj however, had an alcoholic mother who killed herself soon after Cj was born. Her father, also an alc...