After filing for a divorce, I found an apartment close to where my parents lived. I called Mk and checked up on her, I hadn't seen her in a while.
Me: Hey! How are you?
Mk: How am I?? How are you? How are you handling things?
Me: Well I found an apartment just need to check in with the landlord.
Mk: That's good! I'm still single and ready for a pringle!
Me: Haha well you should try online dating! That would be cool, maybe your crush is on there
Mk: Who? Norman Reedus? Yeah right Norman freaking Reedus on a dating site..ok..
Me: You never know! Well I gotta go, gotta start a book!
Mk: Okay have fun! Maybe I will try online dating...byeee!
Me: Bye!
I clicked off my phone and started looked for a part time job because this book is going to take a while and I kind of want to have money...
I put the house out for sale and contacted the landlord, and I got the apartment.
We started moving in right away. With Gerard and Lindsey's help of course.
"So are you excited for the apartment?" Lindsey asked with excitement in her eyes.
"I guess, it's the best one I found so..." I replied I took the last box in the apartment and put it on the floor. I hugged Gerard and Lindsey goodbye and started unpacking.
The twins ran around looking at everything.
"Guys do you wanna choose your rooms?" The apartment was a fairly good size 3 bedrooms 1 bathroom.
"Yes!!!" They yelled in sync and ran off. I heard a knock on the door. I opened it to the most beautiful girl ever which I was surprised to be saying that, I always thought I was straight but she was very pretty. She had mid length brown hair and was a lot shorter than me. She was wearing a sweater that was much too big for her and shorts. I gazed into her eyes, behind her cute glasses, her eyes were the most adorable big, brown eyes I've ever seen. She was carrying a plate of cookies.
"Umm...hi!" She said shyly, her voice was the voice of angels, it was so cute and soft. She must've saw me staring though because she kinda shuffled where she stood.
"Sorry, hi! I'm Cj,"
"I'm Lauren. I saw you move in and I just wanted to welcome you." She handed me the plate of chocolate chip cookies.
"Oh my gosh..thank you so much! You can come in if you want." I moved aside so she could come in. "Sorry it's really messy and there's boxes everywhere..."
"Oh's great! My apartment's much smaller than this one, I like it!" She smiled. If smiles could kill, I'd be dead. I set the plate on the counter and motioned to the couch, that had been brought up from the van.
"You can sit if you'd like." I smiled at her. She sat down and I sat next to her. "So what apartment do you live in?" I asked.
"2B." She answered
"Oh so you're not very far."
"Nope, I thought I saw some kids with you, are they yours?"
"Oh yep." As if on cue they came running in. "This is Max and this is Blake." I said their names touching their heads as I said them. "Guys, this is Lauren."
"Hi!" Lauren smiled at them.
"Hi! You're very pretty!" Blake giggled. Lauren looked a little shocked.
"Oh, thank you! You're very pretty too!" Lauren replied. The twins ran off. "Well they're really cute! How old are they?"
"They're both 6...anyway, do you live alone or do you have a boyfriend?"
"Um I live alone, I don't have a boyfriend...I'm actually more into girls.." she replied awkwardly looking down at her hands.
"Oh sorry! I didn't know."
"No, no it's okay! I should probably go actually.."
"Okay." I stood up, looking a little disappointed. I led her to the door and opened it for her.
"Thank you!" She smiled as she walked through the doorway. She turned back to me. "Sorry I forgot to ask do you have a boyfriend or husband?"
"Uh no actually I just got a divorce."
"Oh I'm sorry.." she did her best to look sad for me but I knew she was happy I didn't have a boyfriend or girlfriend.
"It's okay, well have a good day." I smiled at her awkwardly.
"You too, bye!" She turned to walk away. I closed the door and kind of just sat on the floor and smiled to myself. I started to question my sexuality, I mean I did find some girls pretty in the past but I didn't know. I still liked guys...maybe I was bi?

Adopted by Brendon Urie and Gerard Way
FanfictionMk and Cj were put in the orphanage, Mk was found in a forest and taken to the orphanage. She loves Panic! At at the Disco and doesn't like pants. Cj however, had an alcoholic mother who killed herself soon after Cj was born. Her father, also an alc...