Cj's POV
It was about two weeks later and Bandit was supposed to be coming home today I'm really freaking excited to see my new little sister. But on the downside I go to school today. Fuck. At least when I get back she'll be home. I laid in bed for a couple minutes. Then decided it was finally time to get up. I walked over to the closet and got a Fall Out Boy shirt with black skinny jeans with holes in them. I also got bracelets and put them on. I got a blood red beanie and put it over my messy hair. I didn't eat breakfast because I was really nervous about today. Gerard and Lindsey weren't awake when I left. I got my My Chemical Romance backpack which I added pins of all the bands I like to. I went to the bus stop and waited nobody was there. Just then a couple girls in a car with their mom who which might I add had pants and only a bra on passed the bus stop and one of the girls yelled out the window.
"Hey faggot, nice shirt!"
"Hey whore, nice face I wish I could kick it!" I yelled back. They passed me and the girls all flipped me off in sync. Lovely. I put earbuds in and blasted Dead! I sighed, today is gonna be awesome. I got on the bus and rode to school. I went to my homeroom and got my locker and my schedule. 1st period was computer applications. I sat down at a computer and waited for instructions. At lunch I sat down at the end of a table, alone. I got my lunch but didn't eat anything. I'm too fat anyway. Some boys came up and knocked all of my lunch on the ground. Then laughed and walked away. I sighed.
"Hey pick that up!" Some staff member said to me. I started picking up the lunch. After lunch I got my stuff from my locker. I was walking to my 4th period and then suddenly I walked into somebody. I fell and dropped all my stuff.
"Shit, sorry." The guy said looking down. He looked up and caught my eye. He stared at me for a couple seconds then looked down and started picking up my stuff. I continued to stare at him without realizing it. He looked up again.
"I'm Zach." He said staring into my eyes.
"I'm Cj." I said staring into his.
"We'll I'll see you around?" He said handing me my things.
"Yeah." I said taking my things.
"See ya."
"Bye." Holy motherfucker of fucks I love him.

Adopted by Brendon Urie and Gerard Way
FanficMk and Cj were put in the orphanage, Mk was found in a forest and taken to the orphanage. She loves Panic! At at the Disco and doesn't like pants. Cj however, had an alcoholic mother who killed herself soon after Cj was born. Her father, also an alc...