Cj's POV
I woke up to the sound of a phone. Someone quickly answered it. I opened my eyes and I looked to my left to see Mk sitting in a chair. And GERARD WAY IN THE CORNER?!?! I sat up was I dreaming or something? He was on his phone and I looked to my right to see Brendon Urie on the phone. I turned back to my left. Mk was on her phone honestly why was everyone on their phone. I just realized. Why was I in a hospital? What the fuck happened? HOW LONG HAVE I BEEN ASLEEP? Gerard looked up and quickly got up and walked over to the bed and kneeled down.
"Hey, how are you feeling?" He asked
"Um fine, what happened, why are all these famous people in the room, why the hell did I leave the orphanage? I'm not complaining or anything but."
"I adopted you but when I went up to your room you were unconscious." I stared blankly at him.
"Y-y- you adopted me?!"
"Yeah." Oh my fucking God my idol adopted me. I'm so fucking glad I lived. I looked down at my arm. I cringed, there were many stitches on the cut. Wow I did that. It hurt to bend my arm. Brendon got off the phone and he said to Mk that it was Sarah and she was wondering what was taking so long. So they had to go. I said goodbye to them and then turned back to Gerard. It was an awkward silence.
"Why did you do it?" He suddenly asked.
"Do what?"
"It was the only pain I could control." I said hesitantly.
"I used to cut, I never knew why, I just felt like I deserved it, it was the worst mistake ever. Please don't cut anymore."
"Promise me."
"I promise." I was crossing my fingers under the blanket. What? I don't like making promises I can't keep.
"So when can I get out of this place?" I asked
"The doctor said you should be good for tomorrow."
"Thank God I don't want to stay here anymore."
The next day was here and I got changed into my blood stained clothes. It's okay though I know how to get blood out of clothes. We were driving to Gerard's house and listening to music by his band. He turned down the music.
"So Lindsey and I both agreed it would be better if Bandit were to stay at my moms house for like 2 weeks so you can get used to living with us."
"Okay." I was kind of sad I wanted to meet Bandit but it's okay though.
"What other bands do you like?" He asked.
"Fall Out Boy, Panic! At The Disco, The All-American Rejects, The Beatles, Boys Like Girls, Imagine Dragons, Bring me the Horizon, Black Veil Brides, All Time Low, Sleeping With Sirens, One Republic, Fit for Rivals, Pierce the Veil, We The Kings, and most importantly, My Chemical Romance." I said beaming.
"Wow, you have good music taste."
"Why thank you." We pulled up to the driveway of a big house. "Wow."
"You like it?"
"Yeah I've never seen a house this big before."
"Well this is your home now." He said smiling. I got out of the car and started following Gerard up the walkway. He opened the door.
"Honey I'm home." He sounds like someone from a 90's show.
"Hey sweetie I'm in the kitchen making dinner, is Cj with you?"
"Yeah she's here." A lady came into the room we were in and greeted me with a hug. I hugged her back.
"Hi I'm Lindsey but you can call me mom, whatever you want."
"Okay." I said smiling at her. I was wearing a short sleeve shirt since the doctor told me not to wear long sleeves because it might mess with the stitches. I could tell she was trying not to look at my arm.
"I put your suitcase up in your room, I tried to pack everything I could find but if I missed something you can tell me and we'll go back and get it." Gerard said.
"Okay." I said following him up some stairs and into a room which was at the back of the hall on the right. It was a huge room it was painted red and black. My favorite colors ..how'd he know? He must've read it on the website page.
"I painted it your favorite colors but you can do what ever you want with this room, it's yours."
"Thank you." I said hugging him.

Adopted by Brendon Urie and Gerard Way
FanfictionMk and Cj were put in the orphanage, Mk was found in a forest and taken to the orphanage. She loves Panic! At at the Disco and doesn't like pants. Cj however, had an alcoholic mother who killed herself soon after Cj was born. Her father, also an alc...