Chapter 11: Nectar Is Sweet, Like Revenge.

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"It's not opening!" I hissed in frustration, twisting the key from either side; eagerly wanting to enter the concealed place but being unable to from an unknown reason. I could feel my face getting hot and flustered... I needed to get in and I needed to get in now! I shifted my eyes to either side; noticing that they were just standing there and being useless. "Help me then!" I snapped, scrunching up my face as I did so.

"Alright." Cormac replied after being taken aback by my sudden outburst of anger at the boys. He walked up and snatched the key from out of my hand and forced it into the lock, he moved it around slightly and it opened right up.

I raised an eyebrow, as it opened, why wouldn't it open for me? I frowned, only lightly though, I'd get frownlines on my head. He let a chuckle escape from his lips, as he walked in to the gates. He was transported back, "Woah!" He called out, I then let a chuckle escape from my once pursed lips. Heh, sucker, probably doesn't let Irish men in.

"Let me try." I said smugly, strutting in to the gates like I was Queen of all of these boys. Suddenly, air rushed against my brown hair as I was transported back towards the previous spot I was in.

"It's a forcefield." Percy called out, also frustrated. 

"Hoist me up." Grover suggested, getting out his hands and cracking them like it was business.

"No, not with your goat legs." Ryan, his brother, would reply, giving an almost evil smirk.

"Ava could?" Then somebody else suggested, putting their opinion in. I rolled my eyes and turned to the voice, threateningly. 

"Nope." I folded my arms against my chest, shaking my head at each one of the boys who were stood around me in some sort of gang.

They formed a tight space around me, they were going to make me do this, I could see it in all of their eyes. Each of them had a frown plastered on their face, "How about I hoist Percy up?" I would give a grin, a humorous one at that.

 "Nope." He almost replied like a shotgun. Then suddenly, I felt something in my pocket, I took it out, it was a stone... The stone was red, engraved on it said, "Use it wisely." I admired it, turning it around in my fingers, my boney fingers.

"But?" Cormac asked, snatching it from inbetween my fingers. I turned to him and pulled the angriest face I could. 

"Give. That. Back." I threatened, my fists clenching tighter by second.

 "It's only for big boys to handle, the little girls should leave it alone."  He gave a smirk, one seeming really evil, but I ignored the evilness of it and instead pulled my face to become more angrier.

"Nobody calls me a little girl!" I let out in a yell, letting myself put emphasis on me, I could feel the anger rising up in my body, and I was about to give him a smack across the face, and that was going to proceed if he carried on with this evil act.

"Well I did." He gave a cheeky grin, that was when I raised my fist, which was still clenched, and forced it in to his nose. He let out a yelp, as my fist collided in to his face.

"Ava!" Said Ryan, grabbing my fist and squeezing it in his hands. I groaned, rolling my eyes as I did so. 

I could see Cormac, who was holding his nose, he bent down and shakily took the crimson red stone. He offered it to me with his free hand, which was trembling with fear, obviously from the fact that I had punched him in the face.

"That's why you don't call me a little girl." I commented, my face still scrunched up. Ryan released his grip from my hand and I let my hand rest beside me. 

Aphrodite's Daughter And Aphrodite's lost Heart {Percy Jackson}Where stories live. Discover now