Chapter 12: Medusa

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My eyes fluttered open, I was in a different place, everything was dim, the curtains were rotting and there was a slight creek in the bed I was sleeping in. I awoke properly now, stretching my arms and letting a yawn escape from my lips. 

"SSS, did you have a nice sleep?" Hissed a voice, which sounded uttermost like a snake. I got up from the bed, which creeked like crazy. 

"I uh, I had a nice sleep, I suppose. Your bed is a tiny bit creeky, though. Thank you Miss." I said politely, standing onto my feet. 

"Sss, she had a nice sleep, sss." Repeated another snake like voice, who started to hiss yet again. In came the woman I had met yesterday, there was a constant hissing noise. I looked up from the floor, to find a woman, with sunglasses on and a head full of snakes.

"Y-y-you're Medusa!" I called out, jumping up and holding a threatening fist out. I couldn't help but tremble with fear, Medusa could turn me to stone by taking her glasses off and staring in to my eyes. I then quickly darted my head down to my feet. I really resisted giving her one of my glares, my death glares to be exact.

I scrambled off, passing the creature as I slipped through the door. I started to sprint again, fumbling with the lock on the door and opening it and slamming it behind me. I ran, and I ran as fast as I could. I was deceived, by the woman I thought knew my friends. I couldn't stop running, and I wasn't focusing.

Thud was all I could hear as my head collided in to a tree, I let my head go, suddenly feeling dizzy. Everything around me was spinning, even Percy's face was spinning. Wait! What? I thought, getting up on to my feet, but shakily.

"Gert uppp." My mind distorted everything that was processing, I couldn't think straight. I shook my head, and then everything became only a little bit clear. "It's not very good bumping in to trees."

"Don't you think I know that?!" I asked angrily, rubbing a side on my face, where the bump hurt the most. I groaned, then holding it in pain. 

I stumbled, suddenly and grabbed Percy by the shoulders just for some guidance. He looked in to my eyes, and I furrowed my eyebrows. He put his hands on the side of my cheek, I hissed because it was the place where I had collided in to the tree. He looked even more in to my eyes, he leaned in, and I swiftly turned my cheek so his peck was only there, at least it wasn't the side that was red roar and burning. 

I pushed him away harshly before calling out a "No!" and then another "No!" and then yet another "No!" 

"Oh my Gods! I didn't know what went over me." He backed away, tugging on the end of his ear as if he was lying. I narrowed my eyes, backing away from him. 

"No." Was all I could repeat at the time, I held out a finger like a stern mother telling their children off. 

"How about we go?" He asked through the awkwardness, scratching the back of his head as he did so. I took only a second to give the slightest nod I could, I walked behind him, my hands hanging low. I shuffled, before some boney hand took a grasp on my shoulder.

I gulped back a lump that was lingering in my throat, "It's Medusa, isn't it?" I asked, as the hand was grasping my shoulder even tighter, I let out a yelp, as it started to hurt and burn my shoulder. The hand let go all of a sudden.

"Oh Percy, oh Ava! That act of romance nearly had me in tears." Cooed the familiar voice, as she made her way around me, I kept my head down, so she had no way of turning in to stone. 

"Heh." I let out an uttermost awkward laugh before tilting my head up a bit and mouthing to Percy, "Riptide... Riptide now." He gave a quick nod, digging in to his pocket and pulling out a pen, a pen that could turn in to a sword with just a press of a button. 

He pressed the pen, and immediately it turned in to a sword, a long blade which could pierce through anything. I tried to keep my head down, to make sure that Medusa didn't give me a stare and turn me in to a statue. I could see Percy holding his sword, and keeping his head down just as I was.

She gave a cackling laugh, mocking Percy who had been gripping the sword tightly. "You half bloods think that a stupid sword will pearce a hole through me?!" She asked, in a serious way, before letting out another cackle. "Well let this be the time where Half Bloods are deemed wrong, as I can turn you in to stone from just a look." She circled around us, her breathing ringing in my ear, like a tune, but a sort of crackling one. "Sss, just one look." Hissed the snakes, that were slithering around on her head. "Wouldn't precious Ava Noelle look good on my lawn?"

"Sss, yes Miss, she would look good on your lawn." Agreed another snake, who was most probably wriggling around on her head. "Ss, maybe on your mantlepiece, just her head?" Suggested another snake, I gulped back the saliva that had been building up in my throat. 

Some idea popped straight in to my head, and I fumbled in my pocket, feeling around in the void, there was a lot of pocket lint, like rubbish that I was too lazy to throw in to the bin, and scrap bits of paper. Then, I felt the thing that I was searching for, I pulled it out from my pocket, and looked down at it. A pocket mirror, essential for every child of Aphrodite.

I sent a nod at Percy's way, and he looked up for a split second and also responded with a nod, "You know, Medusa, you really pull off them snakes." Commented Percy, obviously lying, to make her feel good and have trust in Percy.

"Thank you Jackson." She sad in reply, I could hear the footsteps, and now she was circling around me, I clenched the pocket mirror tighter, my palms sweating from anxiety. She carried on circling, making her way around my body. 

I took the plunge, and bravely looked up, she rapidly removed her glasses from her face and I darted my head to the left, my heart pumping speedily, faster than the speed of light. I moved the pocket mirror in an estimate, so hopefully it was facing herself. Then, I heard a stop, and everything became silent.

Bang! Was all I heard, as something crashed in to the ground. I gasped, swiftly turning around. There was Medusa, lying on the floor, she had become a mere statue, made out of solid stone. 

"P-percy." Was all I could say, he looked up and widened his eyes, "We killed Medusa...." I said, feeling uttermost guilty. "We killed Medusa!" I enthused, walking up to Percy and putting my hand out for a high five, he responded also with a high five. 

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