Chapter 6: I Don't Want To Answer

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Heart beating, pumping fast.

I'm holding onto dear life, I can't let go.

Hands sweaty, I'm falling off.

I cling with my last finger, certain that I'm not going to survive.

Then, I'm pulled down by gravity, falling down through the air. My heart is pounding, beating out of my chest.

My eyes open.

I had a nightmare...

I sit up, then rubbing my eyes. I was crying, tears have been streaming down my face, it almost feels like they've been gushing out like waterfalls.

I licked my lips, they were salty from the tears.

I didn't want to go on this quest... I could've risked dying.

And the drama that came with it, there was a million things I'd rather of done.

I looked to the clock in our cabin: 8:59...


I rushed out of bed, unwillingly, I loved my bed, I loved my sleep...

Lets just say I was a definite teenager.

Minus the pimples, I mean: my mother would probably give me some sort of skin protector that helps me fight off the germs and dirt.

I sighed, running a single hand through my hair as I pulled on my designer clothes I had recieved from my 'lovely' father.

He gifted me clothes every year, and he now persuades me every year too come back to him and Colette.

Like hell I am!

 You see, my dad used to be a very caring and loving guy, until I came along and my supposed mother left, he used to love his Greek mythology and I always followed what he did. I knew a few Ancient Greek songs, I knew the lyrics in both Ancient Greek and English. He taught Greek Mythology at my first school: Frankstowe school of Performing Arts And History.

Don't laugh.

I used to play the Harp.

But my dad didn't value me as an angel at all.

Anyway, back to the subject, he started to share his hatred for me when I got booted from my Secondary School, yes I'm British, get over it...

His words still ring in my head like a repeating tune: "You're the most worthless child I've ever witnessed, no wonder your mother packed her bags and left."

Yes, and after 7 more boarding schools  and 4 more normal schools, my father finally decided to take action.

He kicked me out, and I got told where to go by a female voice in my head. "Go to a boat, under a red bridge, all of your brothers and sisters will be there, stomp on the wood, it'll open up and you'll be pulled into a boat and shipped off to Camp Half Blood."

 Which is clearly what happened..

I snapped out of my bonkers state of mind and I rushed over to the dinner hall.

"Oi Ava!" I heard an Apollo kid call out. "Hahaha, you're such a coward."

"How?" I asked, sounding disgusted.

"You've been crying!"

 "No I haven't." I denied. "Now go away." I replied coldly.

I scurried over to my table and sat down in a random place, it was all squashed, Aphrodite had alot of children, and I was apparently the most precious one.

I scanned around: Rick, James, Wyatt, Emily, Fifi and Ryan...

Wait what?!

He turned to face me, frowning slightly. "Why don't you love me?"

"I don't want to answer." I folded my arms and shifted away, the tears threatening from my eyes.

Aphrodite's Daughter And Aphrodite's lost Heart {Percy Jackson}Where stories live. Discover now