Chapter 1

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Hey everyone! This is my first ever attempt at writing a story :)  

It's a historical romance, one of my fav genres....  

I really hope I make it worth while for you guys ! 

Constructive Criticism is appreciated.. 

Thankyou for giving my story a chance.. :D 

So here i go..

~ shreya07


James Richardson, sixth Earl of Winchester, surveyed the docks as his ship anchored at the Thames. Not much had changed since he left seven years ago, he surmised. Except himself.

He watched the workers hurry to get their jobs done, the street rats scurrying to and fro looking for pockets to pick, lightskirts flaunting their wares to the brawny sailors that roamed the docks, either drunk or looking for a fight.

His face grim, he turned as he heard the approach of his first mate ,Conrad or Connie as he was known to his closest friends, which included James of course. " Ready Jamie? " he asked, already aware of the reason for his friend's mood.

"As I'll ever be, I guess" replied James.

Descending onto the dock,they began making their way through the people, careful to keep their purses safely clutched close to them, so as to avoid the pickpockets that frequented crowds like this.

As they walked, a path cleared out for them as the aura around them radiated that they were not ones to be to crossed. James headed towards the carraige that he had spotted easily from the ship itself, as the docks did not often see vehicles of that quality waiting around.

The pair vaulted into the elegant carriage, with James paying a cursory glance at the prancing grays leading it, as they already knew where it was to take them.

James looked through the window at the scene outside, one he had left behind seven years ago.... to become a privateer. The view showed him all that he knew would be there, the elegant Lords and Ladies of the Haute ton, in their finery, strutting as far as James was concerned, showing of their plumes like a bunch of peacocks, the sodding lot of them ,he thought furiously, before he recalled the reason he was here, and decided it was best if he didn't think of his soon-to-be acquaintances in quite that light. Sighing, he looked to Connie, only to find his friend staring at him intently.

"It will be alright , James . How hard could it be to find a bride ? You have a month after all! They can't all be that bad! And you have the title now, that is certainly a great lure , is it not?" James noted that Connie did not mention looks in his description, just the bloody title.

But that was own doing wasn't it? The scar that stretched from his left eyebrow to his cheek was proof that his looks were out of the question, as he had repeated constantly to his friend. But to find a bride in a month? That, he thought , would take some planning on his behalf.

Suddenly the carriage came to a stop in front of a two story building , whose sign read 'White and Smith, solicitors' . James alighted , instructing the driver to wait.

He and Connie entered the building and were immediately ushered into the offices of Mr. White. The elderly solicitor welcomed James with a brief smile. "My lord, welcome. I am sorry for your loss. Your father had left his will and the letter that i sent on his death to you."He paused, sllightly uncomfortable about the terms of the letter.

" You must already have read the details of the estates and other properties left to you by your father. Your residence in London, Winchester House has been prepared for you. If you require anything else, anything at all, feel free to send a letter to me , or even pay a visit. I am at your service."

The Pirate's Lady (Spies of London #1)Where stories live. Discover now