Chapter 6 (Part 1)

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A bit of James secret will be revealed now. :)

Dedicated to Charlzke, my first follower! Thank you! :)



The past few days had been a blur of balls and soirees for Olivia. However she had seen a lot of James in the three days since the Park ride. He had began courting her in earnest. Well, as earnest as he could get, anyways.

Even though he had attended almost all the balls she had, making it a point to find her and ask for a dance, three times a waltz, there had been an aura of a certain controlled restlessness about him. Oh, he masked his features well, no one looking at him could see anything amiss.

But Olivia liked to think she knew him slightly better than a mere acquaintance, and so she saw the disturbance in his eyes. And also the fact that he hardly replied to what she said, even to keep up appearance. Though there had been that time at the Malory musical.....

Lady Malory organised the musical every year, and it had all the females of the Malory clan under eighteen playing an instrument or even singing. The Malorys were a talented bunch, thankfully for the guests, who had to attend the musical if they wanted to enjoy the soiree after it.

Olivia was standing with William Malory, whom she liked very much as he had become her friend in the last year, but their friendship had started as a courtship, and when they had realized they would not suit, or rather Olivia had realized that Will, as she fondly called him, had a tendre for Miranda Smith, they had become friends.

Will just would not accept that he and Miranda were meant for each other. He could be as stubborn as a mule about that. But she knew he had warned off a few 'unsuitable' suitors of Miranda's, and she wondered how long it would take for him to accept his feelings. She sighed. Men could be so dense sometimes!

"Lady Olivia, Malory" The voice was enough to startle Olivia. She turned around to face James, who had seemingly appeared from nowhere at her elbow.

Both William and Olivia greeted James, though in much warmer tones. Olivia looked at James closely and saw the annoyance in his eyes. Why she could not imagine. But she guessed it had something to do with her, so she said to William,"Will, I wish to speak to his Lordship for a moment. I'll see you later?"

Will complied, but not without giving Olivia a look that clearly said 'I'm watching you'. She shooed him off with her hands and shook her head at his protectiveness. He really was like Oliver in that aspect.

Then she again turned to James."What is wrong James?"she said. James answered her with a question of his own. "What were you two talking about? It seemed very intense.I hope I didn't interrupt anything important." he replied, tone scathing.

Olivia bristled at that."My lord, are you of the opinion that I should not speak to any other man apart from yourself?Will is a good friend and- Suffice to say that it is none of your business!" James smiled sardonically at that and said, "Oh no, Madam. Never that. I just oppose you talking to a man like you are his lover!"

Olivia was shocked at the angry ring to his voice, and hurt that he would think so ill of her. Her voice was cool however, as she said,"I assure you, sir, that whatever you think about William and me is false . I request you get your facts right before you accuse anyone of any wrongdoing. Now, I have nothing else to say to you."

So saying she had walked away from him, trying to keep the tears from overflowing.


First part of the chapter! The secret comes in the next part..... which I'll hopefully upload tomorrow! :)

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